Handling, storage, and use of compressed gas cylinders
Technické články | 2015 | Air ProductsInstrumentace
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ZaměřeníVýrobceAir Products
Klíčová slovacylinder, cylinders, compressed, valve, use, store, gases, from, outlet, gas, flames, ppe, never, handling, storage, prevent, escape, any, equipment, valves, restrict, oxygen, pressure, proper, protection, sds, always, open, regulators, improper, permit, slowly, precautions, decal, discharge, regulator, away, nonrefillable, discontinue, mechanical, combustibles, safetygrams, nfpa, should, adequate, sparks, banks, damage, seal, trucks
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Emergency action for handling leaking compressed gas cylinders
2015|Air Products|Technické články
Safetygram 11 Emergency action for handling leaking compressed gas cylinders Air Products takes every reasonable precaution to see that its products come to you safely. This concern for safety doesn’t end with delivery, but should be continued by you and…
Klíčová slova
emergency, emergencysupplier, supplierleaks, leakscorrosives, corrosivescylinders, cylindersaction, actioncylinder, cylinderproper, properleaking, leakingfire, firehazards, hazardspoisonous, poisonousany, anyproblem, problemclosing
Safety - Gaseous argon
2014|Air Products|Technické články
Safetygram 3 Gaseous argon Gaseous argon is tasteless, colorless, odorless, noncorrosive, and nonflammable. Argon belongs to the family of rare inert gases. It is the most plentiful of the rare gases making up approximately 1% of the earth’s atmosphere. It…
Klíčová slova
argon, argoncylinder, cylindercylinders, cylindersvalve, valveair, airshould, shouldareas, areaspiped, pipedpressure, pressurescba, scbacompressed, compressedoxygen, oxygenshipments, shipmentsdesigned, designedcontainer
Safety - Carbon monoxide
2014|Air Products|Technické články
Safetygram 19 Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, flammable, toxic gas. High-purity carbon monoxide that is dry and free of sulfur compounds is normally noncorrosive to metals at atmospheric pressure. Lower-purity grades containing moisture, sulfur compounds and other…
Klíčová slova
monoxide, monoxidecarbon, carboncylinder, cylindervalve, valvecylinders, cylindersstem, stempressure, pressurerelief, reliefflammable, flammableexposure, exposureconnections, connectionsdiaphragm, diaphragmseal, sealmust, mustfusible
Safety - Gaseous oxygen
2014|Air Products|Technické články
Safetygram 1 Gaseous oxygen Oxygen is the second largest component of the atmosphere, comprising 20.8% by volume. Gaseous oxygen is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and nonflammable. Oxygen is necessary to support life. It is a strong oxidizer that combines readily with…
Klíčová slova
oxygen, oxygencylinder, cylindervalve, valveair, airpressure, pressurecylinders, cylindersprotective, protectiveconnections, connectionsrelief, reliefmust, mustregional, regionalpiped, pipedcompressed, compressedsafety, safetyenriched