Determination of Container Contents
Aplikace | 2019 | MetrohmInstrumentace
RAMAN Spektrometrie
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Metrohm MIRA XTR DS Product manual
MIRA XTR DS 2.926.01XX Product manual 8.0926.8005EN / 2021-09-15 Metrohm Raman 407 South 2nd Street Laramie, WY 82070 USA +1 307 460 2089 [email protected] MIRA XTR DS 2.926.01XX Firmware version or higher Product manual 8.0926.8005EN / 2021-09-15 Technical…
Klíčová slova
laser, laserattachment, attachmentmira, mirawarning, warningnotice, noticesmart, smartxtr, xtrtips, tipsoperation, operationdistance, distancepowerpack, powerpackworking, workingleft, lefttip, tipradiation
Metrohm MIRA DS Product manual
MIRA DS 2.926.00XX Product manual 8.926.8001EN / 2021-09-15 Metrohm Raman 407 South 2nd Street Laramie, WY 82070 USA +1 307 460 2089 [email protected] MIRA DS 2.926.00XX Firmware version or higher Product manual 8.926.8001EN / 2021-09-15 Technical Communication Metrohm…
Klíčová slova
laser, laserattachment, attachmentmira, mirawarning, warningnotice, noticesmart, smarttips, tipsoperation, operationdistance, distancepowerpack, powerpackworking, workingradiation, radiationtip, tipbeams, beamsselect
MIRA XTR DS handheld Raman spectrometer
2021|Metrohm|Brožury a specifikace
MIRA XTR DS handheld Raman spectrometer The evolution of fluorescence-free material identification 1 The most compact fluorescence-free handheld Raman spectrometer on the market MIRA XTR DS is THE solution for first responders and military personal who deal with illicit drugs,…
Klíčová slova
mira, miraxtr, xtrattachment, attachmentraman, ramanclandestine, clandestinerejection, rejectionsampling, samplingdevice, devicepowerpack, powerpackfluorescence, fluorescenceillicit, illicithandheld, handheldautofocus, autofocusstandoff, standoffhanded
Raman and SERS identification of a combination prescribed opioid
AN-RS-032 Raman and SERS identification of a combination prescribed opioid Two chemical analyses from one tablet Summary Handheld Raman spectrometers are valued for their ability to provide onsite material identification in seconds. A simple point-and-shoot analysis of bulk materials with…
Klíčová slova
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