Rapid Identification of Heroin with Handheld Raman
Aplikace | 2015 | MetrohmInstrumentace
RAMAN Spektrometrie
ZaměřeníForenzní analýza a toxikologie
Klíčová slovaraman, tacticid, tacpac, handheld, tek, sers, heroin, forensic, spectroscopy, identification, stamped, datasheet, narcotics, nondestructive, would, synchronized, tool, rapid, enforcement, initiated, adaptor, nanoparticles, forensics, suspect, law, investigations, portable, materials, substrate, personnel, secure, touch, adopted, course, security, suite, conjunction, manufactured, resources, know, fluorescence, dissolved, activity, questions, enhance, placed, place, use, metal, widely
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B&W Tek Raman Solution Suite for Forensics Applications
2018|Metrohm|Technické články
For more information, please contact: [email protected] or +1 (855) 297-2626 B&W Tek Raman Solution Suite for Forensics Applications Introduction Law enforcement personnel, laboratory technicians, crime scene investigators and many others face a significant challenge for identification of materials in a…
Klíčová slova
raman, ramanspectroscopy, spectroscopytacticid, tacticidatoms, atomstek, teklaser, laserdatasheet, datasheetvibrational, vibrationalvibrations, vibrationsheroin, heroincamera, camerahandheld, handheldportable, portableanticounterfeiting, anticounterfeitingidentification
B&W Tek TacticID for Narcotics Identification
For more information, please contact: [email protected] or +1 (855) 297-2626 B&W Tek TacticID for Narcotics Identification Introduction Law enforcement officers responsible for reducing narcotics trafficking and drug abuse face more challenges than ever before. New drugs are appearing at an…
Klíčová slova
narcotics, narcoticsenforcement, enforcementlaw, lawofficers, officersraman, ramantacticid, tacticidspectroscopy, spectroscopymelendez, melendezfield, fielddiaz, diazprosecute, prosecutetrafficking, traffickingcostly, costlyconfirmatory, confirmatorydrug
B&W Tek TacticID for Narcotics Identification
For more information, please contact: [email protected] or +1 (855) 297-2626 B&W Tek TacticID for Narcotics Identification Introduction Law enforcement officers responsible for reducing narcotics trafficking and drug abuse face more challenges than ever before. New drugs are appearing at an…
Klíčová slova
narcotics, narcoticsenforcement, enforcementlaw, lawofficers, officersraman, ramantacticid, tacticidspectroscopy, spectroscopymelendez, melendezfield, fielddiaz, diazprosecute, prosecutetrafficking, traffickingcostly, costlyconfirmatory, confirmatorydrug
B&W Tek TacticID Series Frequently Asked Questions
B&W Tek TacticID® Series Frequently Asked Questions Q: What is TacticID? A: TacticID is a state-of-the-art Raman handheld system specifically designed for rapid, nondestructive identification of unknown substances and their threat levels for field use by safety and security personnel.…
Klíčová slova
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