Increase the accuracy of your NIR measurements with reference standardization
Technické články | | MetrohmInstrumentace
NIR Spektroskopie
Klíčová slovareference, standardization, xds, nir, instruments, nirs, spectroscopic, accuracy, optiprobes, standardized, measurements, fiber, transmission, instrument, nirsystems, reflectivity, linked, your, differences, pathlength, spectrum, immersion, vision, spectra, laboratory, accounts, necessity, measured, reflectance, equations, increase, exclusive, process, fibers, photometric, overlay, attributes, appear, removes, metrohm, serial, between, normalized, pair, number, removing, correction, influence, physical, sample
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Increase the accuracy of your NIR measurements with instrument calibration
|Metrohm|Technické články
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Application Note NIR–12 Increase the accuracy of your NIR measurements with instrument calibration This Application Note describes how the accuracy of your NIR measurements can be increased by using instrument calibration. Method description Introduction Metrohm NIRSystems XDS instruments…
Klíčová slova
xds, xdsinteractance, interactancenir, nirwavelength, wavelengthinstrument, instrumentimmersion, immersionreflectance, reflectanceinstruments, instrumentsadjustments, adjustmentsmeasurements, measurementsstandard, standardoxide, oxideabsorptions, absorptionsnirsystems, nirsystemsadjusted
Analysis of chemicals using near-infrared spectroscopy
Application Bulletin 409 Analysis of chemicals using near-infrared spectroscopy Branch Chemicals Keywords Near-infrared spectroscopy, chemicals, process monitoring, chemical reaction, moisture determination, hydrocarbon, acid, resin, solvent. No. 5: Qualitatively differentiating aqueous solutions of aluminum chlorhydroxide and AIC136H20, and solids aluminum zirconium…
Klíčová slova
nir, nirxds, xdsnirs, nirsanalyzer, analyzerequivalent, equivalentindicate, indicatesummary, summaryrecommended, recommendedmonitor, monitorsampling, samplingresults, resultsspectroscopy, spectroscopyrapidliquid, rapidliquidinfrared, infraredinstrument
Analysis of polymers using near-infrared spectroscopy
Application Bulletin 414 Analysis of polymers using near-infrared spectroscopy Branch Plastics and polymers Keywords Near-infrared spectroscopy, polymer, monomer, polymerization, polypropylene, polyethylene, PET, polyuethane, polystyrene, resin, polyols, polyesters, polyolefin, hydroxyl number, hydroxyl value, acid value, density, melt flow index, melt flow…
Klíčová slova
nir, nirindicate, indicateequivalent, equivalentspectroscopy, spectroscopysummary, summarysampling, samplingmonitor, monitorxds, xdsrecommended, recommendedresults, resultsnirs, nirspolymer, polymerinfrared, infraredused, usednear
Sampling solutions for NIRS Process Analyzers
2021|Metrohm|Brožury a specifikace
Sampling solutions for NIRS Process Analyzers Find the best solution for your sample Monitoring your process 24/7 The right choice for success Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopic techniques are characterized by their ability to gain rapid, accurate information from the high-resolution spectra…
Klíčová slova
light, lightnir, nirprobes, probesprobe, probeprocess, processnirs, nirssource, sourcefiber, fibersampling, samplingcontact, contactillumination, illuminationoptic, opticsample, sampledetector, detectortransmission