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Following the progress of pharmaceutical mixing studies using near-infrared spectroscopy


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Analysis of pharmaceuticals using near-infrared spectroscopy
Application Bulletin 410 Analysis of pharmaceuticals using near-infrared spectroscopy Branch Pharmaceuticals No. 5: Distinguishing between samples of the nucleic acid, deoxycytidine, which differed only in linker compound ......... 5 No. 6: Qualitative study of amino acids and amino acid salts…
Klíčová slova
nir, nirxds, xdsnirs, nirsrapidcontent, rapidcontentspectroscopy, spectroscopyanalyzer, analyzerequivalent, equivalentindicate, indicatesummary, summarysampling, samplingrecommended, recommendedinfrared, infraredresults, resultsnear, nearpharmaceuticals
Analysis of polymers using near-infrared spectroscopy
Application Bulletin 414 Analysis of polymers using near-infrared spectroscopy Branch Plastics and polymers Keywords Near-infrared spectroscopy, polymer, monomer, polymerization, polypropylene, polyethylene, PET, polyuethane, polystyrene, resin, polyols, polyesters, polyolefin, hydroxyl number, hydroxyl value, acid value, density, melt flow index, melt flow…
Klíčová slova
nir, nirindicate, indicateequivalent, equivalentspectroscopy, spectroscopysummary, summarysampling, samplingxds, xdsmonitor, monitorrecommended, recommendednirs, nirsresults, resultspolymer, polymerinfrared, infraredused, usednear
Analysis of chemicals using near-infrared spectroscopy
Application Bulletin 409 Analysis of chemicals using near-infrared spectroscopy Branch Chemicals Keywords Near-infrared spectroscopy, chemicals, process monitoring, chemical reaction, moisture determination, hydrocarbon, acid, resin, solvent. No. 5: Qualitatively differentiating aqueous solutions of aluminum chlorhydroxide and AIC136H20, and solids aluminum zirconium…
Klíčová slova
nir, nirxds, xdsnirs, nirsanalyzer, analyzerequivalent, equivalentindicate, indicatesummary, summaryrecommended, recommendedmonitor, monitorsampling, samplingresults, resultsspectroscopy, spectroscopyrapidliquid, rapidliquidinstrument, instrumentinfrared
Monitoring a single-pot granulator using near-infrared spectroscopy
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Application Note NIR–16 Monitoring a single-pot granulator using near-infrared spectroscopy This Application Note shows the capability of a novel probe design equipped with a NIRS XDS Process Analyzer for predicting the residual amounts of solvent during the drying…
Klíčová slova
process, processnir, nirgranulator, granulatorgranulation, granulationdensity, densityinfrared, infraredmoisture, moisturenirs, nirsovertone, overtonenear, nearvariance, variancegranules, granulesmethanol, methanolangled, angledprobe
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.