Waldner Fume Hoods
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Laboratorní vybavení
ZaměřeníVýrobceKlíčová slovafume, sash, hood, transparency, glazed, secuflow, transparent, panels, glazing, panel, sanitary, side, hoods, rear, option, height, variants, sockets, glass, working, dispenser, modules, alarm, features, display, front, vision, service, audiable, servicemoduls, desks, concept, communication, pipework, sashes, stoneware, adjustment, frosted, controller, inclined, electrics, waldner, revolutionise, underbench, electrical, inclination, tional, towel, faz, feeling
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Technical Catalogue - SCALA laboratory furniture system
2022||Brožury a specifikace
Technical Catalogue laboratory furniture system Technical Catalogue The design of our SCALA range of laboratory furniture will set the trend for future laboratory design. But only if design and functionality work together effectively, real values will result that can contribute…
Klíčová slova
fume, fumehoods, hoodsunderbench, underbenchservice, servicehood, hoodworktop, worktopsash, sashheight, heightbench, benchfaz, fazmounted, mounteddesign, designlaboratory, laboratorypanel, panelframe
Waldner Secuflow laboratory fume cupboards
2018||Brožury a specifikace
Secuflow laboratory fume cupboards Secuflow Secuflow EN Secuflow More safety, economy and comfort than ever: Our Secuflow fume cupboards Table of contents More safety, economy and comfort than ever: Our Secuflow fume cupboards 2 What makes Secuflow superior: Its sophisticated…
Klíčová slova
secuflow, secuflowfume, fumecupboard, cupboardcupboards, cupboardsworkspace, workspacesash, sashunderbench, underbenchsupportive, supportiveneutrodine, neutrodinegfh, gfhinternal, internalsanitary, sanitaryventilation, ventilationair, airheight
2022||Brožury a specifikace
SCALA XPRESS SCALA XPRESS SCALA XPRESS Table of contents 1 2 3 4 4 Fume hoods and exhaust devices Bench-mounted fume hood Low ceiling bench-mounted fume hood Fume hood with side installation made of steel, SI 3 steel Walk-in fume…
Klíčová slova
scala, scalaxpress, xpressheight, heightdrawer, drawerwidth, widthunderbench, underbenchservice, servicedepth, depthcupboards, cupboardsfume, fumehoods, hoodsunit, unitdesign, designworktop, worktopdimensions
Waldner Secuflow EN7
2018||Brožury a specifikace
Our new fume cupboards for high thermal loads and working with acids Safe and cost-effective working also under special conditions We are a leading supplier in the field of laboratory equipment and laboratory fume cupboards because we are constantly developing…
Klíčová slova
cupboards, cupboardsfume, fumeworkspace, workspaceloads, loadscupboard, cupboardunderbench, underbenchthermal, thermalsanitary, sanitarysecuflow, secuflowfaz, fazinternal, internalhazardous, hazardoushigh, highdigestions, digestionssash