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Detection of LSD on Blotter Paper
AN-RS-038 Detection of LSD on Blotter Paper Raman, SERS, and Drug Enforcement Summary Lysergic acid diethylamine (LSD), or «acid» as it is popularly known, is a Schedule 1 controlled substance responsible for potent euphoria-inducing and sensory-altering properties. Long lasting psychopathological…
Klíčová slova
lsd, lsdmetrohm, metrohmsers, sersblotter, blotterpaper, papermisa, misamira, miradcm, dcmcolorant, colorantxtr, xtrraster, rasterorbital, orbitalors, orssheets, sheetsshake
Trace Detection of Auramine O in Curry Powder
AN-RS-020 Trace Detection of Auramine O in Curry Powder Protecting consumer safety with Misa Summary Auramine O (AO) is an industrial dye used for a broad range of manufactured products and as a fluorescent stain for detecting acid-fast bacteria in…
Klíčová slova
misa, misametrohm, metrohmauramine, auraminecurry, curryfacile, facilekit, kitsers, sersadulterated, adulteratedattachment, attachmentnacl, naclvial, vialpowder, powderdetection, detectionfield, fieldscoop
SERS Detection of Metanil Yellow in Turmeric
AN-RS-019 SERS Detection of Metanil Yellow in Turmeric Protecting consumer safety with Misa Summary Metanil yellow (MY) is an azo dye used in the manufacture of external-use products such as textiles; however, it is prohibited from use as a food…
Klíčová slova
metrohm, metrohmmisa, misametanil, metanilsers, sersyellow, yellowkit, kitsierra, sierradetection, detectionfield, fieldscoop, scoopneurological, neurologicalturmeric, turmericfacile, facileorgan, organingestion
SERS Detection of Brilliant Blue
AN-RS-028 SERS Detection of Brilliant Blue Overcoming fluorescence issues with Misa Summary Brilliant Blue (BB) FCF, more commonly known as FD&C Blue #1, is the most commonly used blue dye worldwide for food and beverages. It is generally accepted as…
Klíčová slova
metrohm, metrohmmisa, misasers, sersbrilliant, brilliantkit, kitblue, bluechloroform, chloroformbenzethonium, benzethoniumscoop, scoopfield, fieldraster, rastermira, miraflavored, flavoredaverages, averagesionenstrasse
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.