Ostatní | 2022 | RAFAInstrumentace
VýrobceKlíčová slovaexhibition, food, workshop, coffee, break, registration, conference, thursday, wednesday, tuesday, achievements, lunch, fraud, approaches, welcome, analysis, authenticity, contaminants, date, tbc, recent, smart, imagination, issues, metro, ceremony, novel, awards, friday, challenges, dinner, migrants, collaborate, desk, cocktail, metrology, laboratories, vibrational, seminar, symposium, circular, tutorial, nutrition, step, chemometrics, toxins, opportunities, omics, sensors, interactive
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PROGRAM - 10th International Symposium on RAFA 2022
PROGRAM 10th International Symposium on RECENT ADVANCES IN FOOD ANALYSIS (RAFA 2022) Version 08/08/2022 September 6-9, 2022 Organized by Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague), Czech Republic & Wageningen Food Safety Research…
Klíčová slova
don, donfood, foodgiovanni, giovannisessions, sessionsexhibition, exhibitioncoffee, coffeeoral, oralbreak, breakrepublic, republicseminars, seminarsvendor, vendorwelcome, welcomeworkshop, workshophall, hallhotel
PROGRAM 8th International Symposium on RECENT ADVANCES IN FOOD ANALYSIS November 7–10, 2017 Prague, Czech Republic PLAN OF THE CONFERENCE CENTRE RAFA 2017 Venue Clarion Congress Hotel Prague 1: Congress centre ENTRANCE Entrance from the street Freyova 2: Congress centre…
Klíčová slova
food, foodhalls, hallssessions, sessionshall, hallnadir, nadirzenit, zenitexhibition, exhibitionvirgo, virgoposter, posterleo, leosession, sessionoral, oralcoffee, coffeefoyer, foyerspectrometry
PROGRAM 9th International Symposium on RECENT ADVANCES IN FOOD ANALYSIS November 5–8, 2019 Prague, Czech Republic INFORMATION Committees Social program Plan of the Clarion Congress Centre Prague Exhibition – Floor plan Sponsors & Exhibitors & Media partners Useful information Contact…
Klíčová slova
food, foodsessions, sessionshall, hallhalls, hallsnadir, nadirzenit, zenitsession, sessionposter, postervirgo, virgoexhibition, exhibitionleo, leoanalysis, analysisresidues, residuesdetermination, determinationoral
PROGRAM 7th International Symposium on RECENT ADVANCES IN FOOD ANALYSIS November 3–6, 2015 Prague, Czech Republic PLAN OF THE CONFERENCE CENTRE RAFA 2015 Venue Clarion Congress Hotel Prague 1: 2: 3: ENTRANCE ENTRANCE ENTRANCE 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9:…
Klíčová slova
food, foodsessions, sessionshalls, hallshall, hallzenit, zenitnadir, nadirexhibition, exhibitionanalysis, analysisresidues, residuesvirgo, virgoleo, leoposter, posterdetermination, determinationoral, oralcoffee