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Wide Dynamic Range Electron Multiplier Detector


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Single Quadrupole ICP-MS vs Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS
Single Quadrupole ICP-MS vs Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS
2022|Agilent Technologies|Příručky
Single Quadrupole ICP-MS vs Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS What is the difference and which one would suit your application? Contents What is ICP-MS? 4 What are the differences between single quadrupole ICP-MS and ICP-QQQ? 5 How does an ICP-MS work? 1.…
Klíčová slova
icp, icpqqq, qqqreturn, returnquadrupole, quadrupolepage, pagecontents, contentsions, ionscell, cellelements, elementssingle, singlemass, massreaction, reactioninterferences, interferencesplasma, plasmaanalysis
Agilent ICP-MS Journal  (July 2016 – Issue 66)
Agilent ICP-MS Journal (July 2016 – Issue 66)
2016|Agilent Technologies|Ostatní
Agilent ICP-MS Journal July 2016 – Issue 66 Inside this Issue 2-3 The New Agilent 8900 ICP-QQQ Provides Improved Performance and Enhanced Flexibility 4 Building on the Success of the Innovative Agilent 8800 ICP-QQQ 5 Characterization of Nanoparticle Content…
Klíčová slova
icp, icpqqq, qqqnuclear, nuclearagilent, agilentapplications, applicationsnanoparticle, nanoparticleinterferences, interferencesperformance, performancesensitivity, sensitivitysemiconductor, semiconductoruranium, uraniumnps, npsawards, awardstrace, tracerange
Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS (Technical Overview)
Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS (Technical Overview)
2016|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS Technical Overview Introduction Agilent is the worldwide market leader in quadrupole ICP-MS, and the only supplier of triple quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-QQQ). Introduced in 2012, ICP‑QQQ has transformed interference removal in ICP‑MS, using MS/MS to control…
Klíčová slova
icp, icpqqq, qqqsensitivity, sensitivityacceleration, accelerationions, ionsdls, dlscell, cellreaction, reactionsemiconductor, semiconductorquadrupole, quadrupoleapplications, applicationssignal, signalaxial, axialnps, npshigh
Critical Factors Affecting Cost-of-Ownership of ICP-MS
Critical Factors Affecting Cost-of-Ownership of ICP-MS
2024|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
Technical Overview Critical Factors Affecting Cost-ofOwnership of ICP-MS The impact of sample throughput and real-world maintenance intervals ICP-MS in high-throughput commercial laboratories ICP-MS is the technique of choice for metals laboratories, due to its unique combination of full coverage for…
Klíčová slova
icp, icpdetector, detectormaintenance, maintenanceagilent, agilentintervals, intervalsofownership, ofownershipundecomposed, undecomposedthroughput, throughputoptimized, optimizedproprietary, proprietaryworld, worldquoted, quotedreal, realamplifier, amplifierroutine
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.