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Octopole Collision/Reaction Cell and Helium mode


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Unmatched Removal of Spectral Interferences in ICP-MS Using the Agilent Octopole Reaction System with Helium Collision Mode
Unmatched Removal of Spectral Interferences in ICP-MS Using the Agilent Octopole Reaction System with Helium Collision Mode Application Metals Analysis Authors Ed McCurdy, Glenn Woods and Don Potter Agilent Technologies Lakeside Business Park Cheadle Royal, Cheshire UK Abstract Many routine…
Klíčová slova
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IMSC: A New Design of Ion Lens and Collision/Reaction Cell for ICP-MS
A New Design of Ion Lens and Collision/Reaction Cell for ICP-MS Raimund Wahlen and Ed McCurdy, Agilent Technologies (UK) Ltd Overview A new collision reaction cell has been designed for ICP-MS The new cell, called the ORS3, provides much more…
Klíčová slova
polyatomic, polyatomicinterferences, interferencesenergy, energycell, cellsoh, sohions, ionscloh, clohpolyatomics, polyatomicsunspiked, unspikedshieldtorch, shieldtorchmode, modeicp, icpbias, biasanalyte, analytecollision
A New Design of Ion Lens and Collision/Reaction Cell for ICP-MS
A New Design of Ion Lens and Collision/Reaction Cell for ICP-MS He Mode on the ORS3 for Effective Interference Removal in a Range of Complex Matrices Overview A new collision reaction cell has been designed for ICP-MS The new cell,…
Klíčová slova
polyatomic, polyatomicinterferences, interferencesenergy, energycell, cellsoh, sohions, ionscloh, clohpolyatomics, polyatomicsunspiked, unspikedshieldtorch, shieldtorchmode, modeicp, icpbias, biasanalyte, analytecollision
Agilent 7700 Series ICP-MS
Agilent 7700 Series ICP-MS
2010|Agilent Technologies|Brožury a specifikace
Agilent 7700 Series ICP-MS Extraordinary design. Unparalleled performance. The Agilent 7700 Series ICP-MS Advancing ICP-MS technology. Simplifying trace metals analysis. Whether you need to analyze hundreds of complex samples in less time, or confidently detect ultra trace metals in high…
Klíčová slova
icp, icppolyatomic, polyatomicenergy, energyyour, yourroutine, routineagilent, agilentcell, cellrefitting, refittingremoval, removalhyperbolic, hyperbolicions, ionssts, stshigh, highpolyatomics, polyatomicsever
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