20. ročník mezinárodní studentské konference „Modern Analytical Chemistry“
Foto: PřF UK: 20th International Students Conference ‘Modern Analytical Chemistry’ - Participants
Ve dnech 19. a 20. září 2024 uspořádala Katedra analytické chemie naší fakulty již po dvacáté setkání doktorandů analytické chemie, i tentokrát pod záštitou Division of Analytical Chemistry, European Chemical Society a rovněž Odborné skupiny analytické chemie České společnosti chemické. Konference je již tradičním fórem pro začínající vědecké pracovníky v oboru analytické chemie, na němž mohou prezentovat a diskutovat výsledky svého výzkumu před mezinárodním fórem v anglickém jazyce, což bezesporu přispívá ke zlepšení jejich komunikačních a prezentačních schopností i jazykových dovedností a také umožňuje navázání vědecké spolupráce mezi zúčastněnými pracovišti.
Slavnostní zahájení proběhlo ve čtvrtek 19. září od 9:00 za účasti prorektorky Univerzity Karlovy paní prof. RNDr. Markéty Martínkové, Ph.D. a děkana Přírodovědecké fakulty pana prof. RNDr. Jiřího Zimy, CSc. Konference se aktivně zúčastnilo čtyřicet pět přednášejících, z nich se osm zúčastnilo v on-line módu prostřednictvím videokonference, vzhledem k problémům způsobeným počasím ve Střední Evropě. Účastníci přijeli ze sedmi univerzit ze tří zemí: Centrum Łukasiewicz (Varšava, Polsko), Politechnika Warszawska (Polsko), Univerzita Karlova (Praha, ČR), Universität Regensburg (Německo), Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Krakov, Polsko), Uniwersytet Łódzki (Polsko), a Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická (Praha, ČR).
Témata přednesených sdělení zahrnovala jak výzkum a vývoj nových analytických technik či optimalizaci podmínek stanovení, tak aplikaci analytické chemie v environmentální, medicínské, potravinářské nebo forenzní oblasti.
Kompletní program konference
Thursday, September 19, 2024
8:30 – 9:00 - Registration of participants
9:00 – 9:15 - Opening ceremony, welcoming address
9:30 – 10:30 - Session 1 (chairperson:Mr. Michal Zelensky)
- 9:15–9:30 - Ms. Anna Bonczyk (Jagiellonian University, Poland): Research on the development of a Lab-on-Chip system as an alternative approach for psychoactive substances detection (P–89)
- 9:30–9.45 - Mr. Karol Kubacki (Jagiellonian University, Poland): Determination of antibiotics using smartphone-based detection (P–85)
- 10:00–10:15 - Ms. Michaela Aichinger (University of Regensburg, Germany): Development of liposome surface chemistries to study the complement system (P–68)
- 10:15–10:30 - Mr. Oleksi Kaminskyi (University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic): Human scent analysis on fired cartridge cases from simulated crime scene (P–43)
10:30–10:45 Coffee Break
13:00 - 14:45 - Session 2 (chairperson: Ms Katja Riedel)
- 10:45–11:00 - Mrs. Lucie Pražáková (Charles University, Czech Republic): Electrochemical degradation of pharmaceuticals: A study of flow and static cell configurations (P–91)
- 11:00–11:15 - Ms. Katharina Weiss (University of Regensburg, Germany): Development of novel sample preparation strategies for nucleic acid detection at the point of care (P–66)
- 11:15–11:30 - Ms. Lucie Dostálková (Charles University, Czech Republic): Study of the electrochemical behaviour of selaginpulvilins differing in the presence of a hydroxyl group (P–74)
- 11:30–11:45 Mr. Vojtěch Vilı́m (Charles University, Czech Republic): Miniaturized UV-photochemical generator of volatile species combined with sequential injection analysis (P–93)
- 11:45–12:00 - Ms. Joanna Pluta (Jagiellonian University, Poland): Application of GC-MS/MS method for quantification short-chain fatty acids in biological samples (P–80)
- 12:00–12:15 - Presentation of Sponsor: Mgr. Radek Vyhnánek (ALS Czech Republic): ALS environmental laboratory, (how) do you know us?
12:15–13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 14:45 - Session 3 (chairperson:Mr. Michal Zelenský)
- 13:00–13:15 - Ms Eva Bláhová (Charles University, Czech Republic): Voltammetric behaviour of oxysterols and development of HPLC method for their separation (P–37)
- 13:15–13:30 - Presentation of Sponsor: Mr David Kolář (Quinta-Analytica): Quinta–Analytica: The gateway to clinical trials and bioanalytics
- 13:30–13:45 - Presentation of Sponsor: Mgr. Ondřej Kuchler (ECOM): Modern approach for analytical and preparative liquid chromatography by ECOM manufacturer
- 13:45–14:00 - Ms. Svetlana Pucovski (Charles University, Czech Republic): Application of silver solid amalgam as a substrate for the preparation of new film electrodes (P–92)
- 14:00–14:15 - Mrs Alice Šimonová (Charles University, Czech Republic): Capillary electrophoresis analysis of interactions between lipophilic active pharmaceutical ingredients and liposomes (P–71)
- 14:15–14:30 - Ms. Vivien Fleischmann (University of Regensburg, Germany): Molecular imprinted polymer coated laser-induced carbon nanofibers as a high-performing enzyme-free sensor (P–59)
- 14:30–14:45 - Mrs. Inga Sowik (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland): Determination of explosives in plant matrix (P–94)
14:45–15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 - 16:30 - Session 4 (chairperson: Ms. Inga Sowik)
- 15:00–15:15 - Mr. Martin Šefčík (Charles University, Czech Republic): Forced oxidative degradation of pharmaceuticals: An electrochemical approach (P–76)
- 15:15–15:30 - Mr. Jan Vališ (University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic): Development of novel in vivo Raman spectroscopy instrumentation coupled with chemometric methods for cancer detection
- 15:30–15:45 - Ms. Monika Wypych (University of Lodz, Poland): Spiciness of hot peppers – determination using voltammetry (P–72)
- 15:45–16:00 - Mrs. Sandra Gierlich (University of Regensburg, Germany): Development of liposomes as diagnostic reagent for complement-related diseases (P–65)
- 16:00–16:15 - Ms. Anna Sałdan (Jagellonian University, Poland): Development of the CE-MS method for the identification of disperse dyes extracted from polyester fibers for forensic purposes (P–88)
- 16:15–16:30 - Ms. Kristýna Jelšíková (Charles University, Czech Republic): Study of electrochemical behaviour of primary and secondary
bile acids on boron-doped diamond electrode (P–95)
Friday, September 20, 2024
9:00 - 10:30 - Session 5 (chairperson: Mrs Michaela Aichinger)
- 9:00–9:15 - Mr. Ivan Kopal (University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic): Chemical enhancement of surface-enhanced Raman scattering: formation of surface complexes, (photo)chemical reactions, and implications for chemical analysis (P–53)
- 9:15–9:30 - Ms. Urszula Ryszko (Łukasiewicz Research Network, Poland): Insights into Cd(II) ions sorption mechanism from wet phosphoric acid on acidic cation exchangers based on spectroscopic studies
- 9:30–9.45 - Mrs. Simona Adamová (Charles University, Czech Republic): Methods of extraction and stabilization of silver nanoparticles in cosmetics (P–63)
- 9:45–10:00 - Mrs. Aneta Myšková (University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic): LC-ICP-MS analysis of anti-obesity peptides labeled with lanthanide mass-tag (utilizing a new type of mobile phase compatible with argon plasma) (P–61)
- 10:00–10:15 - Ms. Pia Schraml (University of Regensburg, Germany): Studying aptamer-modified liposomes as control reagent in lateral flow assays (P–69)
- 10:15–10:30 - Ms. Sofiia Ivakh (Charles University, Czech Republic): Determination of nicarbazin in acetonitrile-based media using differential pulse voltammetry and capillary electrophoresis with amperometric detection (P–100)
10:30–10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:15 - Session 6 (chairperson: Mrs. Lucie Pražáková)
- 10:45–11:00 - Mr. Peter Čambal (Charles University, Czech Republic): Electrochemical characterization of scaife polished {110}-oriented boron doped diamond electrodes (P–3)
- 11:00–11:15 - Ms. Carina Dobner (University of Regensburg, Germany): Tagging of HRP-entrapping liposomes with proteins to enable highly sensitive photometric immunoassays (P–67)
- 11:15–11:30 - Mrs. Sára Hermochová (University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic): Characterization of electrochemically visualized latent fingerprints (P–16)
- 11:30–11:45 - Mrs. Valérie Smelı́ková (University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic): Formation of molecule/metal surface complexes and their effect on SERS-spectra in the systems of amphetamine-based drugs and colloidal nanoparticles (P–54)
- 11:45–12:00 - Ms. Karolina Ogórek (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland): Studying the GHK-Cu tripeptide loaded liposomes using CE-ICP-MS/MS (P–84)
- 12:00–12:15 - Mr. Natan Horáček (Charles University, Czech Republic): An automatic and unsupervised artificial peak detection approach for preprocessing GC-MS and GC×GC-MS metabolomic data (P–96)
12:15–13:00 - Lunch
13:00 - 14:45 - Session 7 (chairperson: Mr Peter Čambal)
- 13:00–13:15 - Mr. Mikuláš Vlk (Charles University, Czech Republic): Effect of side chain functional groups on nitrile imine crosslinking in peptide gas-phase ions (P–56)
- 13:15–13:30 - Ms. Laura Deml (University of Regensburg, Germany): Development of microfluidic optical sensing technology for the detection of H2O2 in cell-based bioassays (P–58)
- 13:30–13:45 - Ms. Lucia Molnárová (Charles University, Czech Republic): Monitoring pharmaceuticals and personal care products in surface water samples on the territory of the Czech Republic and Slovakia by LC-MS/MS method to estimate their potential health risk (P–55)
- 13:45–14:00 - Ms. Marta Stępień (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland): Monitoring of platinum drug-loaded liposome changes by CE-ICP-MS/MS (P–75)
- 14:00–14:15 - Ms. Nikol Vlčková (Charles University, Czech Republic): Development of a novel hydride atomizer based on atmospheric pressure glow discharge for atomic absorption spectrometry (P–22)
- 14:15–14:30 - Mr. Michal Zelenský (Charles University, Czech Republic): Electrochemical study of adsorption properties of boron doped diamond electrodes (P–83)
- 14:30–14:45 - Ms. Sabrina Schönemeier (University of Regensburg, Germany): Analysis of degradation reactions in lithium-ion cell electrolytes during thermal and electrochemical aging (P–9)
14:45–15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 - 16:15 - Session 8 ▪ chairperson: Mr Peter Čambal
- 15:00–15:15 - Mrs. Izabela Anna Nasilowska (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland): Mordant metals used in cultural heritage objects: characterisation and identification by ESI-MS/MS (P–81)
- 15:15–15:30 - Ms. Daniela Janstová (University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic): Optimization of Raman spectroscopy for comprehensive analysis of ex vivo colorectal tissue samples and diagnostics (P–30)
- 15:30–15:45 - Mr. Matěj Kmetík (University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic): Real-time monitoring of acetaminophen transformations using advanced Raman spectroscopy techniques (P–51)
- 15:45–16:00 - Mr Michał Świderski (University of Lodz, Poland): Electroanalysis of thymoquinone (P–78)
- 16:00–16:15 - Ms. Katja Riedel (University of Regensburg, Germany): Development of highly sensitive enzyme-encapsulating liposomes for the Point-of-care (P–87)