Real-time inline predictions of jet fuel properties by NIRS
Aplikace | | MetrohmInstrumentace
NIR Spektroskopie
ZaměřeníPrůmysl a chemie
Klíčová slovanir, predictions, nirs, sep, secv, physical, astm, properties, value, chemical, cetane, precision, fuel, recovery, xds, point, jet, numbers, freeze, gravity, correlated, sec, flash, content, api, overtones, each, spectroscopy, pretreating, index, method, correlation, cst, analyzer, hydrogen, elaborate, samples, vibrational, variety, different, changes, parameter, immersion, spectra, vision, chemometric, measured, description, all, defining
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Quality control of fuels (gasoline, diesel, kerosene)
2020|Metrohm|Brožury a specifikace
Quality control of fuels (gasoline, diesel, kerosene) Fast results with NIR pre-calibrations HIGHLIGHTS − Chemical and physical parameters − Based on real product spectra − Can be used by non-specialists Pre-calibrations expedite and simplify quality control of fuels Metrohm offers…
Klíčová slova
pre, precalibrations, calibrationscetane, cetanemodels, modelscalibration, calibrationpoint, pointdensity, densityindex, indexvision, visionchemical, chemicaldiesel, dieselflash, flasharomatics, aromaticsparameters, parametersgasoline
NIR Application Note NIR-33 Cobalt content, solids content, specific gravity, and viscosity in cobalt octoate 11.9% 11.2% 9.9% 9.3% 7.9% 7.4% 6.0% 4.9% 3.9% This Application Note shows that a Vis-NIR analyzer can simultaneously determine the four most important analytical…
Klíčová slova
cobalt, cobaltvalues, valuespaint, paintcorrelation, correlationcontent, contentreference, referencenir, nirprovided, providedranged, rangedphysical, physicalregion, regionbetween, betweenspectral, spectralnirs, nirspls
Online process monitoring of octane number during catalytic reforming
AN-PAN-1052 Online process monitoring of octane number during catalytic reforming Accurate analysis according to ASTM D2699 and ASTM D2700 Summary In refineries, high octane products are desired since they are used to produce premium gasoline. This production is a highly…
Klíčová slova
metrohm, metrohmnirs, nirsoctane, octaneprocess, processreal, realcatalytic, catalyticreforming, reformingnaphtha, naphthaxds, xdsanalyzers, analyzersastm, astminline, inlineupsets, upsetsshelter, sheltermicrobundle
Quality Control of Diesel
AN-NIR-080 Quality Control of Diesel Fast and straightforward determination of cetane index, flash point, CFPP, D95, and viscosity with NIRS Summary The cetane index (ASTM D613), flash point (ASTM D56), cold filter plug point (CFPP) (ASTM D6371), D95 (ISO 3405),…
Klíčová slova
metrohm, metrohmerror, errormerit, meritxds, xdsfigures, figuresrapidliquid, rapidliquidcross, crossstandard, standardnirs, nirsvalidation, validationdiesel, dieselanalyzer, analyzersimple, simplevalue, valueresult