NIRS XDS Process Analyzer – SingleFiber
Brožury a specifikace | 2017 | MetrohmInstrumentace
NIR Spektroskopie
ZaměřeníPrůmysl a chemie
Klíčová slovasinglefiber, xds, nirs, process, analyzer, shelters, multiplexer, vision, single, point, probe, proof, sma, fiber, pair, options, connection, vortex, optimized, pharmaceutical, nir, analyzers, proposed, heatsink, digital, modem, infrared, cess, flanges, transmission, pro, cooling, transflectance, instruments, industrial, encoder, near, opc, dongle, fans, available, recirculating, initiatives, real, atex, spacers, interfacing, swagelok, grating, monochromator
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NIRS XDS Process Analyzer – MicroBundle
2017|Metrohm|Brožury a specifikace
NIRS XDS Process Analyzer – MicroBundle Features and benefits • Direct inline measurement yields real-time analysis and data availability in seconds • Microbundle fiber optic interface optimized for process stream analysis: clear to opaque liquids, slurries, suspensions and powders •…
Klíčová slova
xds, xdsmicrobundle, microbundlenirs, nirsprocess, processanalyzer, analyzershelters, sheltersmultiplexer, multiplexervision, visioninteractance, interactanceprobe, probepoint, pointproof, proofnir, nirsingle, singlesma
Inline process monitoring of the moisture content in propylene oxide
AN-PAN-1051 Inline process monitoring of the moisture content in propylene oxide Summary Propylene oxide (C3H6O, PO) is a major industrial product with a global production of more than 10 million tons per year [1]. PO is mostly produced to make…
Klíčová slova
metrohm, metrohmprocess, processswagelock, swagelockmoisture, moisturetransmission, transmissionpathlength, pathlengthcontent, contentnirs, nirsreal, realanalyzers, analyzerspropylene, propylenesinglefiber, singlefiberwater, wateroxide, oxideflowthrough
Monitoring quality parameters in standard cleaning baths
AN-PAN-1055 Monitoring quality parameters in standard cleaning baths Measure ammonium hydroxide, simultaneously with inline analysis hydrogen peroxide, and hydrochloric acid Summary Silicon semiconductor devices are manufactured on highly polished wafers. Scratches and other imperfections on the wafer could affect the…
Klíčová slova
metrohm, metrohmcleanroom, cleanroomcleaning, cleaningprocess, processbaths, bathswafer, wafernirs, nirsreal, realwet, wetsubfab, subfabhcl, hclinline, inlinebench, benchsinglefiber, singlefibermultiplexer
Sampling solutions for NIRS Process Analyzers
2021|Metrohm|Brožury a specifikace
Sampling solutions for NIRS Process Analyzers Find the best solution for your sample Monitoring your process 24/7 The right choice for success Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopic techniques are characterized by their ability to gain rapid, accurate information from the high-resolution spectra…
Klíčová slova
light, lightnir, nirprobes, probesprobe, probeprocess, processsource, sourcenirs, nirsfiber, fibersampling, samplingcontact, contactillumination, illuminationoptic, opticsample, sampledetector, detectortransmission