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Metrohm TacticID-GP Plus Raman spectrometer

Brožury a specifikace | 2020 | MetrohmInstrumentace
RAMAN Spektrometrie
Forenzní analýza a toxikologie, Nebezpečné látky
Klíčová slova
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Metrohm TacticID-N Plus handheld Raman spectrometer
Metrohm TacticID-N Plus handheld Raman spectrometer
2020|Metrohm|Brožury a specifikace
ID TacticID®-N Plus Handheld Raman Analyzer for Narcotic and Pharmaceutical Drug Identification The TacticID®–N Plus is a field-ready handheld instrument specifically designed for non-contact forensic analysis of narcotics, pharmaceutical drugs, cutting agents and precursors by law enforcement personnel. Featuring an…
Klíčová slova
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Metrohm TacticID-1064 ST handheld Raman spectrometer
Metrohm TacticID-1064 ST handheld Raman spectrometer
2020|Metrohm|Brožury a specifikace
ID TacticID®-1064 ST All-Inclusive Handheld Raman for Identification of Hazmat, Narcotics, Explosives & More The TacticID®-1064 ST is a 1064nm handheld Raman analyzer for rapid field identification of explosives, narcotics and other suspicious materials. Samples can be nondestructively analyzed through…
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Metrohm TacticID-1064 Handheld Raman spectrometer
Metrohm TacticID-1064 Handheld Raman spectrometer
2020|Metrohm|Brožury a specifikace
ID TacticID®-1064 All-Inclusive Handheld Raman for Identification of Hazmat, Narcotics, Explosives & More The TacticID®-1064 is a field-ready handheld spectral analysis instrument designed for non-contact forensic analysis by safety personnel and first responders, including law enforcement personnel, bomb squads, customs…
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B&W Tek TacticID Series Frequently Asked Questions
B&W Tek TacticID® Series Frequently Asked Questions Q: What is TacticID? A: TacticID is a state-of-the-art Raman handheld system specifically designed for rapid, nondestructive identification of unknown substances and their threat levels for field use by safety and security personnel.…
Klíčová slova
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