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Portable Raman Spectroscopy for Art & Archaeology Applications


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Raman Spectroscopy in Archaeological Studies
410000004-A Raman Spectroscopy in Archaeological Studies Introduction Chemical identification is an important part of the study of archaeological artefacts and artworks. This information can be obtained through nondestructive Raman analysis directly within the environment in which the artefacts are discovered.…
Klíčová slova
raman, ramanmetrohm, metrohmportable, portablearchaeological, archaeologicaltek, tekoptic, opticmicroscope, microscopestudy, studyvideo, videoalhambra, alhambrahaematite, haematitecrusts, crustsdecorations, decorationsprehistoric, prehistoricstalactite
STRam Raman spectrometer for analyses through non-transparent packaging
STRam® Raman spectrometer for analyses through non-transparent packaging BWT-840000676 Below, the accessories are grouped into Scope of delivery and Optional accessories. Please keep this printout at hand for ordering replacement material. These lists may be subject to change. Scope of…
Klíčová slova
raman, ramanportable, portablemetrohm, metrohmlibrary, librarytek, tekspectral, spectralportables, portablesinstruments, instrumentsbwid, bwiduse, usemicroscope, microscopevideo, videolab, labchemicals, chemicalspcc
Metrohm i-Raman Plus Fiber Optic Raman  spectrometer
Metrohm i-Raman Plus Fiber Optic Raman spectrometer
2019|Metrohm|Brožury a specifikace
Raman Solution RAMAN HIGHLY SENSITIVE FIBER OPTIC RAMAN SYSTEM Highly Sensitive, High Resolution Fiber Optic Raman System The i-Raman® Plus is part of our award winning line of i-Raman portable Raman spectrometers powered by our innovative smart spectrometer technology. Using…
Klíčová slova
raman, ramanlaser, laserccd, ccdoptic, opticholder, holderour, ourprobe, probebwid, bwidbwiq, bwiqtek, tekxyz, xyzpackage, packagepositioning, positioningquantum, quantumindustry
Handheld Raman Spectroscopy - For Art and Cultural Heritage Analysis
RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY BRAVO – Handheld Raman Spectroscopy For Art and Cultural Heritage Analysis Innovation with Integrity The analysis of artworks and other objects of cultural value can be very challenging. Many times, objects of interest are of complex material composition.…
Klíčová slova
raman, ramansse, ssefluorescence, fluorescencehandheld, handheldbravo, bravocultural, culturalart, artmitigation, mitigationspectroscopy, spectroscopyconservation, conservationexcitation, excitationbruker, brukerportable, portablekeypads, keypadsartworks
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.