Measuring the UV protection factor (UPF) of fabrics and clothing
Aplikace | 2011 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
UV–VIS Spektrofotometrie
ZaměřeníMateriálová analýza
VýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovaupf, woven, fabric, uvr, white, knit, protection, uvb, polyester, mean, cotton, solar, fabrics, crepe, clothing, ozone, radiation, skin, uva, integrating, moderate, menu, sphere, sun, takes, transmitted, cream, rating, nylon, entrance, spectrophotometric, diffuse, cary, which, ultraviolet, actinic, erythema, erythemally, lidcombe, noon, rateable, sdcanz, uvprotection, sdev, bilimis, dermatology, erythemal, zafira, wavelengths, wool
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Measuring the cover and shade protection factors of synthetic shadecloth
2011|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Measuring the cover and shade protection factors of synthetic shadecloth Application Note Author Introduction Zafira Bilimis The ozone layer acts as a filter for dangerous ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun, reducing its impact at the earth's surface. As this…
Klíčová slova
shadecloth, shadeclothuvr, uvrshade, shadewoven, wovencover, covermenu, menuknitted, knittedfactor, factorhorticultural, horticulturalgreen, greendesignation, designationextra, extralime, limeheavy, heavyaustralian
UPF Evaluation of Fabric Products such as Functional Masks
Application News RF-6000 Spectrofluorophotometer UV-2600i UV-VIS Spectrophotometer UPF Evaluation of Fabric Products such as Functional Masks K. Kawahara, K. Sobue User Benefits Correct UPF values can be calculated by checking and removing fluorescence in textiles. LabSolutions™ UV-Vis UPF…
Klíčová slova
upf, upfmask, maskfunctional, functionalwhite, whitefabric, fabrickhaki, khakiblack, blacknavy, navywavelength, wavelengthtransmittance, transmittancetowel, towelgray, graymasks, masksprofessional, professionalnews
UV-VIS Spectrophotometer UV-2600i UV-2700i
2024|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
C101-E169A UV-VIS Spectrophotometer UV-2600i UV-2700i D on ’t Mis s Any Pie ce of th e Puzzle Single monochromator UV-2600i Double monochromator UV-2700i UV-i Selection UV-1900i UV-2600i/2700i UV-3600i Plus SolidSpec ™-3700i Perfect for a Wide Variety of Applications By accommodating…
Klíčová slova
measurements, measurementsvis, vislabsolutions, labsolutionsfilm, filmtransmittance, transmittancemeasurement, measurementholder, holderreflectance, reflectancedata, dataautomatic, automaticsphere, sphereintegrating, integratingultraviolet, ultravioletoperations, operationsmanagement
TOC suspension method for sediments and soils
APPLICATION For the quantitative determination of the analytes tryptophan, phenol, p-cresol and cholic acid in blood, two methods were used – the standard-calibration and the standard-addition method. Calibration data must, in principle, be free from outliers. The resulting values of…
Klíčová slova
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