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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.

Identification of Narcotics and Cutting Agents in Mixtures with the Agilent FTIR Forensics Analyzer Package


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Identification of Narcotics and Related Substances with Portable FTIR ATR Analyzers
Application Note Forensics Identification of Narcotics and Related Substances with Portable FTIR ATR Analyzers Fast results using the Agilent 4500a and 5500a FTIR forensics analyzers Author Pik Leung Tang Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) is a technique…
Klíčová slova
atr, atrforensics, forensicssearch, searchmetadata, metadataftir, ftirdiamond, diamondnarcotics, narcoticslibrary, libraryanalyzers, analyzersmicrolab, microlabnps, npsanalogs, analogsportable, portablematch, matchabbreviated
Direct Identification of Street Drugs using an Agilent Resolve Handheld Raman Analyzer
Application Note Drugs Direct Identification of Street Drugs using an Agilent Resolve Handheld Raman Analyzer Identification of drug samples directly through the wrapping without decanting Author Leung Tang Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract The Agilent Resolve handheld Raman analyzer uses traditional…
Klíčová slova
resolve, resolveraman, ramanketamine, ketamineanalyzer, analyzerpca, pcasors, sorsspectral, spectralhandheld, handheldspectra, spectrabarrier, barrierfleet, fleetmicrolab, microlabcaffeine, caffeineprincipal, principalmdma
Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Analysis of Low Concentration Fentanyl Street Samples
Application Note Forensics Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Analysis of Low Concentration Fentanyl Street Samples Low concentration narcotics detection with a handheld Resolve Raman analyzer using SERS substrates Authors Samantha Walker, Ricardo Nobara, and Ana Blanco Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract Street-bought…
Klíčová slova
sers, sersfentanyl, fentanylraman, ramanlibrary, librarycommand, commandresolve, resolvestreet, streetnikalyte, nikalytesubstrates, substrateshydrochloride, hydrochloridehandheld, handheldsamples, samplesfleet, fleetnanoparticle, nanoparticleanalyzer
Identification of Illicit Drugs and Hazardous Compounds with the Agilent 4500a FTIR Spectrometer
Identification of Illicit Drugs and Hazardous Compounds with the Agilent 4500a FTIR Spectrometer Application Note Authors Introduction Alan Rein FTIR spectroscopy is a proven, powerful technology for the analysis of illegal substances and potentially hazardous compounds. This results from the…
Klíčová slova
substance, substancescene, scenedrugs, drugsforensic, forensicactionable, actionableillegal, illegaldiamond, diamondillicit, illicitdecisions, decisionshandheld, handheldunknown, unknownanswers, answersboard, boardftir, ftirhazardous
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.