Quick and Real-Time Potency Determination of Cannabinoids Using FTIR Spectroscopy
Aplikace | 2019 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
FTIR Spektroskopie
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VýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovaftir, concentrates, thc, cannabis, potency, distillates, value, spectra, distillate, total, microlab, samples, cannabinoids, spectroscopy, calibration, used, concentrate, measured, predicted, thca, cannabinoid, atr, model, were, multivariate, either, models, hydrocarbon, dipak, mainali, rmsep, hplc, preprocessed, savitzky, extraction, built, golay, create, gone, unknown, cultivars, nondestructive, measurements, related, microliters, correlates, cbda, method, metric, refining
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2017|Agilent Technologies|Ostatní
AGILENT CARY 630 FTIR FOR QUICK AND REAL TIME DETERMINATION OF CANNABINOID POTENCIES APPLICATION OVERVIEW Introduction Cannabis products that are currently on the market consist of either the dry material, such as flower buds; the plant concentrates, including waxes and…
Klíčová slova
cannabis, cannabispotency, potencyftir, ftirpar, parreal, realthc, thcpotencies, potenciesmeasurement, measurementchromatographic, chromatographicthose, thoseadult, adultencompass, encompassdosage, dosagemicrolab, microlabdestructive
Cannabis Potency Test Using the 630 FTIR Spectrometer
2020|Agilent Technologies|Ostatní
Cannabis Potency Test Using the 630 FTIR Spectrometer Application Note Abstract Instrument configuration This Application Note describes the determination of the potency value of THC, THCA, and total THC in distillate and concentrate samples using a FTIR spectrometer. Sample handling…
Klíčová slova
ftir, ftirvalue, valuepotency, potencythc, thcmeasured, measuredpredicted, predictedhplc, hplctotal, totaldistillate, distillatecannabis, cannabisconcentrate, concentratemodels, modelsbounce, bouncecorrelation, correlationdistillates
Fast, Easy, and Reliable Monitoring of THCA and CBDA Decarboxylation in Cannabis Flower and Oil Samples Using Infrared Spectroscopy
2022|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
White Paper Fast, Easy, and Reliable Monitoring of THCA and CBDA Decarboxylation in Cannabis Flower and Oil Samples Using Infrared Spectroscopy Authors Sajni Shah, Ali Wasti, and Dr. Markus Roggen DELIC Labs, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada Greg Kozadjian, Jean‑Louis Cabral,…
Klíčová slova
decarboxylation, decarboxylationcannabis, cannabisflower, flowermodel, modelreaction, reactiondelic, delicthca, thcacbda, cbdathc, thcmicrolab, microlabcbd, cbdcannabinoid, cannabinoiddecarboxylate, decarboxylatespectroscopy, spectroscopylabs
ATR Sampling Accessories for the Agilent Cary 630 FTIR Spectrometer
2022|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
Technical Overview ATR Sampling Accessories for the Agilent Cary 630 FTIR Spectrometer An easy and versatile way to perform FTIR measurements Introduction Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) is the most widely used sampling methodology for Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. This…
Klíčová slova
atr, atrreflection, reflectionmodule, moduleznse, znsemultireflection, multireflectiondiamond, diamondpathlength, pathlengthswivel, swivelftir, ftirsingle, singlepress, presslight, lightpharmaceutical, pharmaceuticalcounterfeit, counterfeitseized