Improved Accuracy in the Measurement of Wear Metals and Additives in Lubricant Oils by ICP-OES
Aplikace | 2020 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPrůmysl a chemie
VýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovafitted, none, oil, linear, intelliquant, element, spike, gear, icp, formatting, interferences, outlier, torch, spiked, wavelengths, solvaflex, maintenance, oes, concentration, engine, demountable, wavelength, measured, oils, correction, pvc, black, sample, were, fit, recoveries, conditional, expert, prompt, uses, counters, lubricant, lubricating, emission, hydraulic, alert, elements, easy, concentrations, used, wear, recovery, nebulizer, analytics, feedback
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Multi-element Analysis of Used Lubricant Oils
2019|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Petrochemicals Multi-element Analysis of Used Lubricant Oils Evaluating an Agilent Easy-fit fully demountable ICP-OES torch for oil analysis, according to ASTM D5185-18 Author Alejandro Amorin Agilent Technologies, Inc. Introduction Elemental analysis of lubricant and hydraulic oils is important…
Klíčová slova
fitted, fittedlinear, lineardemountable, demountabletorch, torchspike, spikeelement, elementfully, fullyoil, oilfit, fitoils, oilsouter, outerconcentration, concentrationlubricant, lubricanthydraulic, hydraulicicp
Improved Measurement Accuracy of Wear Metals in Lubricant Oils by ICP-OES
2020|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Brief Petrochemicals Improved Measurement Accuracy of Wear Metals in Lubricant Oils by ICP-OES Following ASTM D5185-18 method using an Agilent 5800 RV ICP-OES and IntelliQuant Author Get the right answer the first time Alejandro Amorin Agilent Technologies, Inc. The…
Klíčová slova
wear, wearmetals, metalslubricant, lubricantlubricating, lubricatingoil, oilsrm, srmoils, oilsamorin, amorinoutlying, outlyingalejandro, alejandroocf, ocfelement, elementicp, icpwavelength, wavelengthdemountable
High-Throughput Analysis of Additive- Elements and Wear Metals in Lubricants by ICP-OES
2024|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Petrochemicals High-Throughput Analysis of AdditiveElements and Wear Metals in Lubricants by ICP-OES Fast analysis times using the Agilent 5900 ICP-OES with AVS and oil autosampler referencing ASTM D5185-18 Author Paul D. Krampitz Agilent Technologies, Inc. Introduction Tribology is…
Klíčová slova
bearings, bearingslubricating, lubricatingoils, oilsunused, unusedwear, wearmetals, metalssemiquantitative, semiquantitativealloyed, alloyedoil, oilmolybdenum, molybdenumintelliquant, intelliquanttitanium, titaniumautomatically, automaticallytrend, trendiron
Improved productivity for the determination of metals in oil samples with ASTM Method D5185, using the Agilent 5100 Radial View (RV) ICP-OES
2014|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Improved productivity for the determination of metals in oil samples with ASTM Method D5185, using the Agilent 5100 Radial View (RV) ICP-OES Application note Petrochemical Authors Neli Drvodelic Agilent Technologies Melbourne, Australia Introduction The determination of metals in oils by…
Klíčová slova
mdl, mdlelement, elementppm, ppmuptake, uptaketorch, torchoils, oilsrpm, rpmflow, flowline, lineplasma, plasmaunspiked, unspikedsample, sampleoil, oilmetals, metalsgrey