Automobile Evaluation Instruments
Ostatní | 2016 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
GC/MSD, Termální desorpce, HPLC
ZaměřeníMateriálová analýza
Klíčová slovatesting, endurance, evaluation, fatigue, materials, tensile, automobile, machine, ctro, automobiles, various, parts, series, rechargeable, compression, force, ter, machines, interiors, bodies, lithium, batteries, test, measurement, electronic, strength, autograph, solder, servopulser, suspension, conservation, components, fuel, jig, springs, rubber, jigs, separators, mic, battery, power, ete, characteristics, cells, cathode, seats, torsional, vibration, ion, plating
Podobná PDF
CASE and Weight Reduction Development of Automobile
C10G-E098 Solutions for CASE and Weight Reduction Development of Automobiles Evaluation of CASE and Weight Reduction Technologies —Evaluation Applications Useful for Achieving CASE Characteristics and Reducing Weight— With various countries specifying major policies for realizing carbon neutrality, the key to…
Klíčová slova
index, indexproduct, producttensile, tensilecomposite, compositeelectrification, electrificationevaluation, evaluationray, raymaterials, materialsmicrofocus, microfocusapplication, applicationtester, testerautograph, autographdissimilar, dissimilarsheet, sheetstrength
Instruments for Evaluations Rubber and Plastics
2016|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
Instruments for Evaluations Rubber and Plastics C10G-E013B Testing, Weighing and Analytical Instruments for Rubber and Plastics Instruments for Evaluations Rubber and Plastics Instruments for Evaluations Rubber and Plastics For the performance evaluation of rubber and plastics... Rubber and plastic products…
Klíčová slova
rubber, rubberplastics, plasticsevaluations, evaluationsproperties, propertiesseries, seriesinstruments, instrumentsshimadzu, shimadzumachines, machinesforce, forceunibloc, uniblocevaluation, evaluationcompression, compressionmodel, modelsmin, smintest
Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery Evaluation
2017|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery Evaluation C10G-E021A Analytical and Measuring Instruments for Rechargeable Lithium-ion Batteries Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery Evaluation global w430×h280 What Are Lithium-ion Rechargeable Batteries? The lithium-ion rechargeable battery is a relatively new type of battery that was first used in…
Klíčová slova
rechargeable, rechargeablelithium, lithiumelectrode, electrodebattery, batteryseparator, separatorbatteries, batteriesion, ionnegative, negativepositive, positivebinder, binderelectrolyte, electrolyteray, rayxrd, xrdevaluation, evaluationactive
CFRP Analysis, Testing and Inspection Evaluation Instruments
2015|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
CFRP Analysis, Testing and Inspection Evaluation Instruments C10G-E037 Contributing to Improved CFRP Performance and Reliability CFRP Analysis, Testing and Inspection Evaluation Instruments global w430×h280 M Analysis, Testing, and Inspection Evaluation Instruments That Contribute to Improved Performance and Reliability in Carbon…
Klíčová slova
cfrp, cfrpobservations, observationsfiber, fiberray, raycfrps, cfrpstensile, tensileautograph, autographtester, testertests, testsshear, shearfracture, fracturecharacteristics, characteristicstesting, testingstrength, strengthsample