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Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Sample automation and sample introduction for ICP-MS: Latest advances for autodilution and sample introduction system optimization

ZÁZNAM | Proběhlo Čt, 26.10.2023
Nejnovější pokroky v oblasti automatizace a automatického ředění vzorků a komponent systémů pro zavádění vzorků.
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Thermo Scientific: Sample automation and sample introduction for ICP-MS: Latest advances for autodilution and sample introduction system optimization
Thermo Scientific: Sample automation and sample introduction for ICP-MS: Latest advances for autodilution and sample introduction system optimization

Advances in sample automation further streamline the elemental analysis workflow to reduce manual preparations of standard and samples by automating the preparation of calibration and QC standard solutions and the dilution of samples prior to analysis and during analysis for out-of-range samples.

Systematic errors from manual dilution and contamination resulting from transfers between containers and measuring apparatus are eliminated in addition to saving time, resources, and labor.

The sample introduction system of the ICP-MS instrumentation is the area handled most by the analyst and its configuration must be optimized for a smooth analysis towards accurate results. The sample matrices and the various types of samples in the run sequence, matrix tolerance and compatibility of sample introduction system components, including sensitivity and detection requirements must be taken into consideration for optimization.

In Part 2 of this webinar series, experts from Elemental Scientific, Teledyne CETAC, and Glass Expansion will discuss the latest advances in sample automation and autodilution and sample introduction system components for enhanced trace elemental measurements, optimized sample introduction configuration, and increased sample throughput.

Key learning objectives

  • Learn how workflow processes can be accelerated and systematic errors from manual preparations can be eliminated through cutting-edge sample automation and autodilution systems.

  • Improve workflow efficiency; save time, resources, and labor; reduce waste; and minimize operating costs.

  • Learn the basics in sample introduction and information to select and optimize components for your analysis.

Who should attend

  • Laboratories performing trace elemental analyses by ICP-MS and ICP-OES.

  • Laboratories interested in improving workflow efficiency and reducing manual preparation processes.

  • Analysts developing or seeking to improve current analytical methods.

  • Analyst seeking information on sample introduction components and why optimization is essential for successful analysis.

Presenter: Sabrina Antonio (Regional Marketing Manager, Trace Elemental Analysis and Inorganic Mass Spectrometry, Thermo Fisher Scientic)

Sabrina’s extensive background includes senior chemical engineer and project manager at electric utilities, application specialist for atomic spectroscopy, and lead auditor for the US EPA Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) inorganic statement of work. She joined Thermo Fisher Scientific in 2015 as a technical sales specialist before becoming regional marketing manager for the trace elemental analysis product line in 2018.

Presenter: Andrew Toms (Senior Scientist, Elemental Scientific, Inc.)

Andrew Toms is a Senior Scientist at Elemental Scientific Inc., specializing in laboratory automation. With over 20 years of industry experience in ICPMS applications, he is dedicated to helping customers solve a wide range of analytical challenges.

Presenter: Fred Smith (Market Product Manager, Teledyne CETAC Technologies)

Fred G. Smith obtained his B.S. in Chemistry at Carroll College (Wis.) in 1985 and completed his PhD in Analytical Chemistry at Iowa State University in 1991 under the direction of Professor R.S. Houk. Since 1992 he has worked in the area of sample introduction accessories for ICP-OES and ICP-MS, and is currently Market Product Manager for Teledyne CETAC Technologies, based in Omaha, Nebraska.

Presenter: Justin Mascone (Sales Manager, Glass Expansion)

Justin Masone is the Sales Manager for Glass Expansion in the Americas. He obtained his bachelor’s degree from Johns Hopkins University and has spent his entire career in trace metals analysis, including both as an analyst in an environmental lab and as in-house support for ICP and ICP-MS manufacturers.

Thermo Fisher Scientific
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