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How to optimise your Raman analysis

ZÁZNAM | Proběhlo Út, 16.4.2024
Na tomto webináři se dozvíte, jak shromažďovat vysoce kvalitní Ramanova data. Probereme různá nastavení měření a jejich optimalizaci pro vaše vzorky.
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Renishaw: How to optimise your Raman analysis
Renishaw: How to optimise your Raman analysis

Raman microscopy is a powerful analytical technique for studying the chemistry and structure of materials. You can use Raman spectroscopy to understand most materials, but how do you do this

Register for a time that suits you:

  • Tuesday 16th April: 8.00am Chicago (CST) | 2.00pm London (BST) | 9.00pm Beijing (CST)
  • Thursday 18th April: 7.00am London (BST) | 8.00am Berlin (CEST) | 2.00pm Beijing (CST)
  • Wednesday 17th April: 1.00pm Chicago (CST) | 7.00pm London (BST) | 8.00pm Berlin (CEST)

In this webinar, you will learn how to collect high-quality Raman data. We will discuss different measurement settings and how to optimize them for your samples. Get started quickly with Raman spectroscopy and achieve your experimental aims.

Our scientists will guide you step-by-step through:

  • Sample preparation: Whether solid, liquid or gas, we will discuss how to prepare your sample for Raman microscopy.

  • Choosing the right laser wavelength: We explain how the excitation laser wavelength can affect the intensity, resolution and fluorescent background when collecting Raman spectra.

  • Choosing the right objective lens: From numerical aperture (N.A.) to working distances, we help you to choose the right lens for your experiment.

  • Analysing the right sample areas: Use video montaging and LiveTrackTM focus-tracking technology to view features of interest in your sample.

  • Optimising data quality: We give you tips on getting the best signal-to-noise ratio in your spectra while collecting data quickly.

  • Data processing: From cosmic rays to fluorescent baselines, we have tools to remove artefacts from your spectra.

  • Extracting results with data analysis: See how WiRETM software gets you accurate and validated results. Whether you are analysing pure materials or complex mixtures, we will show you how Spectrum Search and multivariate analysis can get you results quickly.

Please note: The webinar will be recorded and available on-demand after. By registering, you will receive an email notifying you of the on-demand webinar when it is available.

Presenter: Tim Smith (Raman Applications Manager)

Tim has over 20 years' experience using a range of Raman research instruments. He has extensive knowledge and real-world use of systems in most application areas, however his particular expertise is within Raman imaging and pharmaceutical applications.

Presenter: Sarah Shidler (Applications Scientist)

Sarah has a PhD in physics. She used Raman spectroscopy to probe surface changes to oxide materials exposed to ionizing radiation. As an applications scientist she focuses on applying Raman spectroscopy to a variety of projects and application areas.

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