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Applications using Exchangeable Protons

ZÁZNAM | Proběhlo Po, 20.5.2024
V tomto webináři se zaměříme na výměnu protonů a nejprve se budeme zabývat technikami pro odstranění signálu vody ze spektra nebo částmi spektra, které potřebujeme k lepší analýze výměnný protonů.
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Bruker: Applications using Exchangeable Protons

Bruker: Applications using Exchangeable Protons

We will focus this webinar on exchanging protons, first covering techniques to eliminate the water signal from the spectrum, or the parts of the spectrum we need to better analyze exchanging protons. We will then move to a look at experiments designed to exploit saturation transfer and chemical exchange of these protons for insight into biomolecular dynamical properties.

Presenter: Amy Freund, PhD (Senior Applications Scientist II, Bruker BioSpin)

Dr. Amy Freund is a Senior Applications Scientist II at Bruker BioSpin. Her work focuses on the utilization of high-throughput NMR in the fields of metabolomics, screening and drug discovery. Areas of expertise include quantitative NMR, decoupling techniques, cryoprobe technology, small volume NMR, and semi-solid HR-MAS NMR. She is valued for her rare mix of training, communication, and problem-solving skills. Complimenting her work training and assisting customers, Dr. Freund is product manager for AutoCalibrate, a new software tool for instrument performance monitoring and evaluation. For this project, she has taken insight gathered from her interactions with customers; conversations, troubleshooting and training to spot bottlenecks in workflows and develop a tool to streamline/automate instrument maintenance.

Dr. Freund first became interested in NMR 20 years ago during her graduate work at the University of Vermont. There she managed the NMR facility and assisted faculty and students in many different types of NMR studies. In her own graduate research, she used 19F and 31P NMR to study reaction pathways of fluorinated phosphazene monomers and polymers. She also advised researchers in their studies of organic chemistry reaction kinetics and catalytic pathways in porous materials using HR-MAS and solid-state NMR.

While previously the application team leader for Bruker’s west coast office, researchers seeking her expertise can now find her at Bruker’s US headquarters in Billerica, Massachusetts.

Presenter: Donna Baldisseri, PhD (Senior Applications Scientist I, Bruker BioSpin)

Donna Baldisseri, Ph.D. is a Senior Applications Scientist at Bruker BioSpin Corp. She received her B.A. in Chemistry from Boston University and her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Wesleyan University. Prior to joining Bruker, Donna was a Research Associate Professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, a Scientist Associate at the NCI-FCRDC and, an IRTA Postdoctoral Fellow at the NIH. Donna has expertise in the fields of biomolecular NMR spectroscopy including Biologics and in the application of high field cryo- and micro-probe technology and has co-authored over 25 articles in peer reviewed scientific journals.


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