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Metrohm MIRA XTR DS Product manual
MIRA XTR DS 2.926.01XX Product manual 8.0926.8005EN / 2021-09-15 Metrohm Raman 407 South 2nd Street Laramie, WY 82070 USA +1 307 460 2089 [email protected] www.metrohm.com MIRA XTR DS 2.926.01XX Firmware version or higher Product manual 8.0926.8005EN / 2021-09-15 Technical…
Klíčová slova
laser, laserattachment, attachmentmira, mirawarning, warningnotice, noticesmart, smartxtr, xtrtips, tipsoperation, operationdistance, distancepowerpack, powerpackworking, workingleft, lefttip, tipradiation
Fluorescence-free 785 nm material identification with MIRA XTR DS
WHITE PAPER Fluorescence-free 785 nm material identification with MIRA XTR DS In Raman spectroscopy, accurate and sensitive identification of chemicals and materials can be compromised by fluorescence from laser excitation of the target substance itself and/or interferents in the sample…
Klíčová slova
xtr, xtrraman, ramanmira, mirafluorescence, fluorescencefentanyl, fentanylobscure, obscuremitigation, mitigationactionable, actionablesignal, signalhandheld, handheldintelligence, intelligencedbr, dbrnoise, noiseidentification, identificationscattering
Metrohm MIRA DS Product manual
Metrohm MIRA DS Product manual
MIRA DS 2.926.00XX Product manual 8.926.8001EN / 2021-09-15 Metrohm Raman 407 South 2nd Street Laramie, WY 82070 USA +1 307 460 2089 [email protected] www.metrohm.com MIRA DS 2.926.00XX Firmware version or higher Product manual 8.926.8001EN / 2021-09-15 Technical Communication Metrohm…
Klíčová slova
laser, laserattachment, attachmentmira, mirawarning, warningnotice, noticesmart, smarttips, tipsoperation, operationdistance, distancepowerpack, powerpackworking, workingtip, tipradiation, radiationselect, selectusb
On-site detection of hexavalent chromium in protective paint primers
WHITE PAPER On-site detection of hexavalent chromium in protective paint primers Easily identify target compounds in the presence of fluorescent interferents with handheld Raman. Zinc chromate pigment was once widely used in the aeronautics industry due to its anti-rust and…
Klíčová slova
chromate, chromatechromium, chromiumhexavalent, hexavalentzinc, zincpaint, paintraman, ramanxtr, xtrmira, miracompounds, compoundsstretching, stretchingpaints, paintsprimer, primersmart, smartrestriction, restrictionpeaks
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.