Fluorescence-free 785 nm material identification with MIRA XTR DS
Technické články | 2021 | MetrohmInstrumentace
RAMAN Spektrometrie
ZaměřeníNebezpečné látky
Klíčová slovaxtr, raman, mira, fluorescence, fentanyl, obscure, mitigation, actionable, signal, handheld, intelligence, dbr, noise, identification, conceal, scattering, distorts, spectra, nanoseconds, bragg, iua, material, operational, signals, obscures, materials, coloration, revolutionizes, butyryl, mcc, reflector, restricts, stemming, from, mitigating, emit, interferents, ambiguity, confidence, authenticate, both, extraordinary, developers, bulky, breadth, dominated, suppressing, stands, interrogated, suffers
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Orbital Raster Scan (ORS™)
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AN-RS-034 Orbital Raster Scan (ORS™) Safer, more representative sampling with 785 nm Raman Summary The ability of an optical system to efficiently collect light is known as its throughput or etendue. In an ideal world of homogeneous samples, a Raman…
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Illicit Drug Trafficking and Border Control with Mira DS: Safe Fentanyl Identification
2021|Metrohm|Technické články
WHITE PAPER Illicit Drug Trafficking and Border Control with Mira DS: Safe Fentanyl Identification As with heroin and cocaine, the vast majority of fentanyl found in the United States is made by foreign producers and illegally transported to ports and…
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