A Deeper Look at 785 nm Raman
Technické články | | MetrohmInstrumentace
RAMAN Spektrometrie
Klíčová slovametrohm, spectrograph, powers, photons, raster, orbital, scatter, ors, ionenstrasse, inherent, raman, wavelengths, laser, matching, longer, advantage, short, noise, equipped, library, design, summary, configuration, unique, our, comparison, throughput, signal, scan, because, than, conclusion, low, more, high, introduction
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Orbital Raster Scan (ORS™)
2022|Metrohm|Technické články
AN-RS-034 Orbital Raster Scan (ORS™) Safer, more representative sampling with 785 nm Raman Summary The ability of an optical system to efficiently collect light is known as its throughput or etendue. In an ideal world of homogeneous samples, a Raman…
Klíčová slova
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Fluorescence-free 785 nm material identification with MIRA XTR DS
2021|Metrohm|Technické články
WHITE PAPER Fluorescence-free 785 nm material identification with MIRA XTR DS In Raman spectroscopy, accurate and sensitive identification of chemicals and materials can be compromised by fluorescence from laser excitation of the target substance itself and/or interferents in the sample…
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xtr, xtrraman, ramanmira, mirafluorescence, fluorescencefentanyl, fentanylobscure, obscuremitigation, mitigationactionable, actionablesignal, signalhandheld, handheldintelligence, intelligencedbr, dbrnoise, noiseidentification, identificationconceal
On-site detection of hexavalent chromium in protective paint primers
2021|Metrohm|Technické články
WHITE PAPER On-site detection of hexavalent chromium in protective paint primers Easily identify target compounds in the presence of fluorescent interferents with handheld Raman. Zinc chromate pigment was once widely used in the aeronautics industry due to its anti-rust and…
Klíčová slova
chromate, chromatechromium, chromiumhexavalent, hexavalentzinc, zincpaint, paintraman, ramanxtr, xtrmira, miracompounds, compoundsstretching, stretchingpaints, paintssmart, smartprimer, primerrestriction, restrictionchemical
Detection of LSD on Blotter Paper
AN-RS-038 Detection of LSD on Blotter Paper Raman, SERS, and Drug Enforcement Summary Lysergic acid diethylamine (LSD), or «acid» as it is popularly known, is a Schedule 1 controlled substance responsible for potent euphoria-inducing and sensory-altering properties. Long lasting psychopathological…
Klíčová slova
lsd, lsdmetrohm, metrohmsers, sersblotter, blotterpaper, papermisa, misamira, miradcm, dcmcolorant, colorantxtr, xtrraster, rasterorbital, orbitalsheets, sheetsors, orsshake