Simplifying quality control using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Technické články | 2018 | MetrohmInstrumentace
NIR Spektroskopie
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Analytical method transfer
2018|Metrohm|Technické články
Metrohm White Paper Analytical method transfer Alexander Kadenkin Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a widely used analytical technique for qualitative and quantitative analysis of various products in research and industrial applications. Because of different reasons it might be necessary to transfer…
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Lean manufacturing of polyurethane, assisted by near-infrared (NIR) and Raman spectroscopy
2018|Metrohm|Technické články
Metrohm White Paper Lean manufacturing of polyurethane, assisted by near-infrared (NIR) and Raman spectroscopy Alexander Kadenkin Chemical manufacturing such as polyurethane production is characterized by a cost intensive production process combined with a negative ecological impact. These adverse effects can…
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nir, nirmetrohm, metrohmspectroscopy, spectroscopypaper, paperwhite, whitequality, qualityproduction, productionmanufacturing, manufacturingonline, onlinepolyols, polyolslean, leanacid, aciddnt, dntpolyurethane, polyurethanemdi
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: Quantitative analysis according to ASTM E1655
2018|Metrohm|Technické články
Metrohm White Paper Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: Quantitative analysis according to ASTM E1655 Alexander Kadenkin Near-Infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a widely used analytical technique for quantitative analysis of various products in research and industrial applications. This white paper summarizes the workflow of…
Klíčová slova
paper, paperwhite, whitemetrohm, metrohmnirs, nirsnir, nircoordinate, coordinatedevelopment, developmentquantitative, quantitativemerit, meritmathematical, mathematicalvalidation, validationaccording, accordingcalibration, calibrationnumber, numberfigures
Boost efficiency in the QC laboratory: How NIRS helps reduce costs up to 90%
2020|Metrohm|Technické články
Metrohm White Paper Boost efficiency in the QC laboratory: How NIRS helps reduce costs up to 90% Nicolas Rühl, Ph.D. and Alyson Lanciki, Ph.D. Underestimation of quality control (QC) processes is one of the major factors leading to internal and…
Klíčová slova
nirs, nirspaper, papercosts, costsmetrohm, metrohmwhite, whitespectroscopy, spectroscopypolyols, polyolsprecision, precisionnir, nirinfrared, infraredwhich, whichterephthalate, terephthalateefficiency, efficiencyquality, qualityisophthalic