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See-Through Measurements of Illicit Substances in Commercial Containers with the TacticID-1064 ST


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See Through Raman Technology: Expanded capabilities for through package identification using 785 nm and 1064 nm excitation Raman
410000029-A See Through Raman Technology: Expanded capabilities for through package identification using 785 nm and 1064 nm excitation Raman Introduction Raman spectroscopy is a form of molecular spectroscopy that gives specific molecular information of materials. Raman is used widely for…
Klíčová slova
raman, ramanmetrohm, metrohmthrough, throughstram, stramstraman, stramanlayers, layerssee, seespectroscopy, spectroscopytechnology, technologybilayer, bilayerpackaging, packagingspectrum, spectrumbag, bagbarrier, barrierprizewinning
Rapid Field Testing of Ecstasy Pills Using a 1064-nm Handheld Raman Device
410000031-A Rapid Field Testing of Ecstasy Pills Using a 1064-nm Handheld Raman Device Introduction In recent years, handheld Raman devices have become a widely used technology for safety and security personnel and law enforcement for quick identification of narcotics, pharmaceutical…
Klíčová slova
metrohm, metrohmraman, ramanecstasy, ecstasymdma, mdmaoverwhelms, overwhelmsphotoluminescence, photoluminescencefluorescence, fluorescencecolorful, colorfulwearing, wearingpills, pillstouchscreen, touchscreenadvancement, advancementdistinctive, distinctivepink, pinkionenstrasse
Rapid Detection of the Low Dose API in Xanax Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Anti-Counterfeiting Purposes
410000012-A01 Rapid Detection of the Low Dose API in Xanax Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Anti-Counterfeiting Purposes Introduction The emergence of counterfeit prescription drugs has become a concern for the pharmaceutical industry. Counterfeit drugs are fraudulently manufactured and/or mislabeled to…
Klíčová slova
xanax, xanaxmetrohm, metrohmfentanyl, fentanylalprazolam, alprazolamraman, ramansers, sersapi, apitacticid, tacticidmatch, matchspectrum, spectrumlactose, lactosepain, painunknown, unknownpharmaceutical, pharmaceuticalcounterfeitmedicine
STRaman Technology: Raman for See Through Material Identification
For more information, please contact: [email protected] or +1 (302) 368-7824 STRaman™ Technology: Raman for See Through Material Identification Jun Zhao B&W Tek Introduction A new Raman system design is presented that expands the applicability of Raman to See Through diffusely…
Klíčová slova
raman, ramanstraman, stramanthrough, throughenvelope, envelopesampling, samplingspectrum, spectrumsee, seemeasured, measuredglucose, glucosemanila, manilabenzoate, benzoateconfiguration, configurationpro, proscattering, scatteringtek
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