Counterfeit Adderall Pills Identification with TacticID Mobile
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RAMAN Spektrometrie
ZaměřeníFarmaceutická analýza
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Rapid Detection of the Low Dose API in Xanax Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Anti-Counterfeiting Purposes
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See-Through Measurements of Illicit Substances in Commercial Containers with the TacticID-1064 ST
410000052-A See-Through Measurements of Illicit Substances in Commercial Containers with the TacticID®-1064 ST Summary The TacticID®-1064 ST is a 1064 nm handheld Raman system designed for law enforcement officials, first responders, and customs and border protection officers for rapid field…
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B&W Tek TacticID Series Frequently Asked Questions
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