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Metrohm Portable Raman Product Line


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Metrohm  i-Raman Prim portable Raman spectrometer
Metrohm i-Raman Prim portable Raman spectrometer
2020|Metrohm|Brožury a specifikace
Raman Solution RAMAN Prime A Metrohm Group Company High-Throughput and Sensitivity Portable Raman System The i-Raman® Prime is a low-noise, high-throughput, and fully integrated Raman system with an embedded tablet computer and a fiber-optic sampling probe, delivering research-grade Raman capabilities,…
Klíčová slova
raman, ramanprobe, probelaser, laserbwid, bwidtek, teksoftware, softwareadaptor, adaptoroptic, opticmicroscope, microscopebattery, batterytrigger, triggersensitivity, sensitivityfiber, fiberpower, powermineralogical
Metrohm i-Raman Pro portable Raman spectrometer
Metrohm i-Raman Pro portable Raman spectrometer
2020|Metrohm|Brožury a specifikace
RAMAN Pro A Metrohm Group Company Raman Solution HIGHLY Deep-Cooled, SENSITIVE, HIGH STABILITY, COMPUTER-INTEGRATED FIBER OPTIC RAMAN SYSTEMRaman System High-Sensitivity/Resolution Portable The i-Raman® Pro is a fully integrated Raman system with an embedded tablet computer and a fiber-optic sampling probe,…
Klíčová slova
raman, ramanprobe, probelaser, laseroptic, opticbwid, bwidsoftware, softwarefiber, fibertek, tekholder, holderccd, ccdadaptor, adaptormicroscope, microscopepro, probattery, batterytrigger
Metrohm STRam portable Raman spectrometer
Metrohm STRam portable Raman spectrometer
2020|Metrohm|Brožury a specifikace
Raman Solution Portable Raman Analyzer for Rapid Analysis and Identification Through Opaque Barriers SENSITIVE: The award winning STRam® unites a high-throughput spectrometer, specialized sampling optics and advanced algorithms in a portable Raman system to deliver rapid material identification capabilities through…
Klíčová slova
raman, ramanbarriers, barriersopaque, opaquelaser, laserprobe, probematerial, materialtek, tekpackage, packagethrough, throughpower, powerlayers, layerssoftware, softwarebattery, batteryidentification, identificationportable
i-Raman Plus Portable Raman Spectrometer & Video Microscope
A Metrohm Group Company i-Raman Plus Portable Raman Spectrometer & Video Microscope ® High-Resolution Field Portable Raman • Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis • Easy to use, robust system • Lab Grade System for Point of Need Analysis • Fiber-Coupled Accessories…
Klíčová slova
raman, ramanlaser, laserccd, ccdportable, portablefiber, fibermetrohm, metrohmpower, powercleanlaze, cleanlazecompany, companyaccessories, accessoriesresolution, resolutionexiting, exitinggroup, groupsampling, samplingoptic
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.