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Application of ICP-OES for the simultaneous analysis of nutritional and toxic metals in vegetable oils

Postery | 2022 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | RAFAInstrumentace
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Thermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slova
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Robust and sensitive multi-element determination in vegetable oil using ICP-OES
APPLICATION NOTE 44482 Robust and sensitive multi-element determination in vegetable oil using ICP-OES Authors: Mai Sato1, Yasuo Kuroki1 and Tomoko Vincent2; 1Thermo Fisher Scientific, Japan, 2Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany Keywords: D-torch, food, ICP-OES, organic solvent, xylene, vegetable oil Goal To…
Klíčová slova
ifr, ifreuv, euvvegetable, vegetablemdl, mdlicap, icapoes, oeselements, elementsradial, radialicp, icpoil, oilduo, duoceramic, ceramicpro, protorch, torchwavelength
Analysis of naphtha using the Thermo Scientific iCAP PRO XP Radial ICP-OES
APPLICATION NOTE 44425 Analysis of naphtha using the Thermo Scientific iCAP PRO XP Radial ICP-OES Author Introduction Dhinesh Asogan, Application Specialist, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany The analysis of trace elements in organic samples by inductively coupled plasma – optical…
Klíčová slova
euv, euvifr, ifrradial, radialoes, oesisomist, isomisticap, icapicp, icpspike, spikenaphtha, naphthasolventflex, solventflexpeltier, peltierplasma, plasmascientific, scientificelements, elementspro
Rapid and robust determination of silicon in gasoline using the Thermo Scientific iCAP PRO XP ICP-OES Radial system
APPLICATION NOTE 44477 Rapid and robust determination of silicon in gasoline using the Thermo Scientific iCAP PRO XP ICP-OES Radial system Authors: Jingfang He,1 Xiaobo Li,1 Fei Wang,1 Miao Jing,1 and Jianfeng Cui2 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Shanghai, China 2…
Klíčová slova
gasoline, gasolineicap, icapradial, radialoes, oessilicon, siliconpro, proicp, icpisooctane, isooctanetorch, torchsystem, systemifr, ifrlabbook, labbookmethod, methoddiluting, dilutingstandard
Robust and sensitive measurement of trace element impurities in LiPF6 electrolyte solutions using ICP-OES
Application note | 000243 Industrial analysis Robust and sensitive measurement of trace element impurities in LiPF6 electrolyte solutions using ICP-OES Authors Goal Sukanya Sengupta, Bhagyesh Surekar, To demonstrate the capabilities of the Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ PRO XP ICP-OES and Daniel…
Klíčová slova
ifr, ifraxial, axialelectrolyte, electrolyteicap, icapoes, oessolva, solvaelement, elementpro, probatteries, batteriesicp, icpduo, duospike, spikemethod, methodsamples, samplespositions
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