Determination of aliphatic alcohols in alcohol mixtures using visible near-infrared spectroscopy
Aplikace | 2018 | MetrohmInstrumentace
NIR Spektroskopie
ZaměřeníPrůmysl a chemie
Klíčová slovaxds, pls, nir, mixtures, rapidliquid, alcohols, secv, metrohm, nirs, sep, aliphatic, costumer, range, isopropanol, axis, ingredients, spectroscopy, pretreatment, ethanol, antiseptic, alcohol, factors, wavelength, analyzer, determination, sec, number, method, values, description, squares, infrared, agents, predicted, visible, partial, regression, transmission, vis, concentration, near, using, rapidly, usually, least, vials, accurately, extended, successfully, glass
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Simultaneous determination of xanthan gum, optical density, and glucose in aqueous solutions by Vis-NIRS
NIR Application Note NIR–52 Simultaneous determination of xanthan gum, optical density, and glucose in aqueous solutions by Vis-NIRS Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used as an analysis method for quality control of aqueous xanthan gum solutions. Quantitative models for the determination…
Klíčová slova
xanthan, xanthangum, gumnirs, nirssecv, secvxds, xdsglucose, glucosevis, vissep, seppls, plsoptical, opticalnir, nirrapidliquid, rapidliquidvalues, valuesmethod, methodmetrohm
Quantification of nicotine and glycerin in e-liquids using visible near-infrared spectroscopy
NIR Application Note NIR–070 Quantification of nicotine and glycerin in e-liquids using visible near-infrared spectroscopy This Application Note describes a fast method for the simultaneous quantification of nicotine and glycerin in liquid mixtures used for electronic cigarettes. With visible near…
Klíčová slova
glycerin, glycerinnicotine, nicotinecigarettes, cigarettessecv, secvxds, xdspls, plsnir, nirmethod, methodregression, regressionaxis, axisvisible, visibleinfrared, infraredvis, visnear, nearpretreatment
Simultaneous determination of multiple quality parameters of polyols using Vis-NIR spectroscopy
NIR Application Note NIR–065 Simultaneous determination of multiple quality parameters of polyols using Vis-NIR spectroscopy This Application Note demonstrates different application possibilities of Metrohm Vis-NIR analyzers for the determination of multiple quality parameters of polyols. This unique analytical technique enables…
Klíčová slova
nir, nirpolyols, polyolssecv, secvquality, qualitywavelength, wavelengthsep, sephydroxyl, hydroxylranges, rangesfigures, figuresregression, regressionrapidliquid, rapidliquidparameters, parametersxds, xdsvalues, valuesmerit
Quantification of color intensity of diluted textile dye by visible near-infrared spectroscopy
NIR Application Note NIR–058 Quantification of color intensity of diluted textile dye by visible near-infrared spectroscopy This Application Note shows that the visible range of the Metrohm Vis-NIR analyzer can be used to quantify the color intensity of dyes, providing…
Klíčová slova
dye, dyecolor, colorintensity, intensitytypes, typesdistinguish, distinguishxds, xdsbetween, betweenconcentr, concentrvis, visnirs, nirssupplier, supplierrapidliquid, rapidliquidvisible, visibledifferent, differentation