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Content uniformity of pharmaceutical solid dosage forms using Vis-NIR spectroscopy exemplified on Cefixime tablets


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Content uniformity of pharmaceutical solid dosage forms using Vis-NIR spectroscopy
NIR Application Note NIR–063 Content uniformity of pharmaceutical solid dosage forms using Vis-NIR spectroscopy This Application Note demonstrates different application possibilities of Metrohm Vis-NIR analyzers for the determination of content uniformity parameters in pharmaceutical products such as tablets. This unique…
Klíčová slova
nir, niruniformity, uniformitysecv, secvcontent, contentwavelength, wavelengthnirs, nirssep, seprapidcontent, rapidcontentranges, rangespossibilities, possibilitiesregression, regressionvis, visxds, xdsdetermination, determinationdosage
Determination of sodium dodecyl sulfate in toothpaste using Vis-NIR spectroscopy
NIR Application Note NIR–069 Determination of sodium dodecyl sulfate in toothpaste using Vis-NIR spectroscopy Rapid quality control for toothpaste is achieved by Metrohm`s Vis-NIR analyzers. Vis-NIR technology offers significant advantages compared to standard reference analysis. It is a cost effective…
Klíčová slova
rapidcontent, rapidcontentnirs, nirsnir, nirxds, xdstransflection, transflectionsls, slsvis, viswavelength, wavelengthanalyzer, analyzeraxis, axisspectroscopy, spectroscopyranges, rangesexemplifies, exemplifiesdetermination, determinationsecv
Analysis of pharmaceuticals using near-infrared spectroscopy
Application Bulletin 410 Analysis of pharmaceuticals using near-infrared spectroscopy Branch Pharmaceuticals No. 5: Distinguishing between samples of the nucleic acid, deoxycytidine, which differed only in linker compound ......... 5 No. 6: Qualitative study of amino acids and amino acid salts…
Klíčová slova
nir, nirxds, xdsnirs, nirsrapidcontent, rapidcontentanalyzer, analyzerspectroscopy, spectroscopyequivalent, equivalentindicate, indicatesummary, summarysampling, samplingrecommended, recommendedresults, resultsinfrared, infrarednear, nearpharmaceuticals
Nondestructive, single tablet analysis using the NIRS XDS RapidContent Analyzer
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Application Note NIR–2 Nondestructive, single tablet analysis using the NIRS XDS RapidContent Analyzer This Application Note shows the potential of NIRS as a rapid (< 30 s) and nondestructive screening tool for solid dosage forms (e.g., tablets). NIRS…
Klíčová slova
rapidcontent, rapidcontenttablets, tabletsxds, xdsnirs, nirsjustblended, justblendedtableted, tabletedabsorbance, absorbanceactives, activesplacebo, placeboassay, assayanalyzer, analyzerdictated, dictatedactive, activeprocainamide, procainamidestrictly
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.