Enhanced Helium Collision Mode with Agilent ORS4 Cell
Technické články | 2020 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
ZaměřeníVýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovacell, mode, interferences, reactive, helium, enhanced, collision, bec, ked, icp, polyatomic, kinetic, bias, energy, isotope, benefit, gives, analyte, ppb, rejects, gases, conventional, exiting, intensity, reaction, effective, voltage, crc, selenium, unable, ions, cps, gas, lower, promote, applications, suffer, need, higher, analytes, exit, may, intense, overlap, energies, sufficiently, high, unwanted, discrimination, agilent
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2015|Agilent Technologies|Ostatní
Agilent 7800 Quadrupole ICP-MS ENHANCED HELIUM MODE CELL PERFORMANCE FOR IMPROVED INTERFERENCE REMOVAL IN ICP-MS Helium collision mode in ICP-MS Enhanced helium mode performance in the ORS4 Helium (He) mode with kinetic energy discrimination (KED) is the preferred mode for…
Klíčová slova
cell, cellcollision, collisionhelium, heliumenergy, energygas, gascollisional, collisionalmode, modecps, cpshigher, higherkinetic, kineticenhanced, enhancedicp, icpindividual, individualeffective, effectiveion
WCPS: Enhancing Helium Mode Performance to Provide Improved Detection Limits for Difficult Elements Including S, P, Fe, and Se
2011|Agilent Technologies|Postery
PC-013 Enhancing Helium Mode Performance to Provide Improved Detection Limits for Difficult Elements Including S, P, Fe, and Se Ed McCurdy, Naoki Sugiyama and Steve Wilbur, Agilent Technologies 2011 European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Zaragoza, Spain Helium (He) Collision…
Klíčová slova
interferences, interferencescollision, collisionpolyatomic, polyatomicelements, elementscps, cpscell, cellmode, modereaction, reactionked, kedarcl, arclresidual, residualclo, cloall, allmatrix, matrixenergy
Resolving REE2+ Overlaps on Arsenic and Selenium With Hydrogen Cell Gas
2021|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
Technical Overview Resolving REE2+ Overlaps on Arsenic and Selenium With Hydrogen Cell Gas Accurate analysis of As and Se in a REE matrix using Agilent single quadrupole ICP-MS Introduction ICP-MS is the technique of choice for rapid multi-element analysis of…
Klíčová slova
icp, icpked, kedcell, cellcorrection, correctionppb, ppbdoubly, doublyree, reepolyatomic, polyatomicbias, biascollision, collisioninterferences, interferenceshalf, halfgas, gaselements, elementsoverlaps
Technical Overview and Performance Capability of the Agilent 7900s ICP-MS for Semiconductor Applications
2020|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
White Paper Technical Overview and Performance Capability of the Agilent 7900s ICP-MS for Semiconductor Applications Introduction Agilent ICP-MS systems are widely used for accurate low-level analysis of trace contaminants across a wide range of high-purity chemicals used in the semiconductor…
Klíčová slova
plasma, plasmaicp, icpcool, coolhot, hotbec, beccou, couagilent, agilentipa, ipasemiconductor, semiconductorpolyatomic, polyatomictive, tiveelements, elementsimproved, improvedintelliquant, intelliquantundiluted