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Agilent ICP-MS Journal (February 2021, Issue 83)

Ostatní | 2021 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
HPLC, ICP/MS, Speciační analýza, ICP/MS/MS
Potraviny a zemědělství
Agilent Technologies
Klíčová slova
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Analysis of Inorganic Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury in Baby Foods by ICP-MS
Application Note Food Analysis of Inorganic Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury in Baby Foods by ICP-MS Addressing action levels in US Baby Food Safety Act 2021 using an Agilent 7850 ICP-MS and HPLC-ICP-MS Authors Jenny Nelson Agilent Technologies Inc. Elaine…
Klíčová slova
lod, lodbaby, babyicp, icpaction, actionfoods, foodsmedley, medleyconc, conccereal, cerealias, iasfood, foodloq, loqeam, eamspike, spikeintelliquant, intelliquantelements
Agilent IntelliQuant for ICP-MS
Agilent IntelliQuant for ICP-MS
2020|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
Technical Overview Agilent IntelliQuant for ICP-MS Fast, automated semiquantitative ICP-MS analysis provides greater sample insight and confidence in the results Smart tools simplify ICP-MS operation and data review Analytical laboratories, particularly in the commercial sector, are under constant pressure to…
Klíčová slova
intelliquant, intelliquantsemiquantitative, semiquantitativeelements, elementsicp, icptms, tmssolids, solidsmap, mapdata, datadoubly, doublyincluded, includedprovides, providesquantitative, quantitativecharged, chargeddisplay, displayheat
Automated Sequencing of Elemental Speciation Methods Using HPLC-ICP-MS with a Quick Change Valve Head
Application Note Food and Environmental Automated Sequencing of Elemental Speciation Methods Using HPLC-ICP-MS with a Quick Change Valve Head Multi-element speciation analysis with unattended switching of columns and mobile phases Introduction Authors Aimei Zou Shuofei Dong2 Yuhong Chen2 Chee Sian…
Klíčová slova
speciation, speciationicp, icphplc, hplcmethods, methodsquick, quickthree, threevalve, valvequeue, queuechange, changespecies, specieselemental, elementaldifferent, differentcalibration, calibrationrsdir, rsdirdiw
Agilent ICP-MS Journal (February 2023, Issue 91)
Agilent ICP-MS Journal (February 2023, Issue 91)
2023|Agilent Technologies|Ostatní
Agilent ICP-MS Journal February 2023, Issue 91 Page 1 Varied Sample Types and Multielement Screening using Agilent ICP-MS in Helium Mode Pages 2–3 ICP-MS for Trace Level Analysis of Contaminants in Materials Used in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing Pages 4–5 Characterizing…
Klíčová slova
icp, icpcachar, cachardooars, dooarsterai, teraitocklai, tocklaitripura, tripuraassam, assamdarjeeling, darjeelingbank, bankelemental, elementalnorth, northupper, upperlithium, lithiumbattery, batteryreishi
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