Quality control of polyols
Brožury a specifikace | 2020 | MetrohmInstrumentace
NIR Spektroskopie
ZaměřeníPrůmysl a chemie
Klíčová slovapolyols, pre, hydroxyl, calibration, calibrations, polyol, vision, nirs, polyur, expertise, metrohm, value, chemical, quality, expedite, model, secv, turnkey, air, sops, requires, can, updating, results, trust, specialists, starter, fast, wet, disposal, nir, parameters, push, extends, determination, used, infrared, control, straightforward, customized, saving, button, minimizing, models, intuitive, highlights, solution, simplify, based, demand
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Quality control of fuels (gasoline, diesel, kerosene)
2020|Metrohm|Brožury a specifikace
Quality control of fuels (gasoline, diesel, kerosene) Fast results with NIR pre-calibrations HIGHLIGHTS − Chemical and physical parameters − Based on real product spectra − Can be used by non-specialists Pre-calibrations expedite and simplify quality control of fuels Metrohm offers…
Klíčová slova
pre, precalibrations, calibrationscetane, cetanemodels, modelscalibration, calibrationpoint, pointdensity, densityindex, indexvision, visionchemical, chemicaldiesel, dieselflash, flasharomatics, aromaticsparameters, parametersgasoline
Polymer & Polyol Analysis
INTERVIEW Polymer & Polyol Analysis Fast and reliable with NIR Spectroscopy The Metrohm near-infrared XDS RapidLiquid Analyzer is proven to be a valuable instrument for easy and reliable quality control of both the starting materials and intermediate products of polyols…
Klíčová slova
nirs, nirspolyol, polyolrapidliquid, rapidliquidwanhua, wanhuainfrared, infraredxds, xdsanalyzer, analyzernear, nearpolymer, polymerpolyols, polyolslaboratories, laboratoriesimplementation, implementationmetrohm, metrohmverification, verificationspectroscopy
Simultaneous determination of multiple quality parameters of polyols using Vis-NIR spectroscopy
NIR Application Note NIR–065 Simultaneous determination of multiple quality parameters of polyols using Vis-NIR spectroscopy This Application Note demonstrates different application possibilities of Metrohm Vis-NIR analyzers for the determination of multiple quality parameters of polyols. This unique analytical technique enables…
Klíčová slova
nir, nirpolyols, polyolssecv, secvquality, qualitywavelength, wavelengthsep, sephydroxyl, hydroxylranges, rangesfigures, figuresrapidliquid, rapidliquidregression, regressionxds, xdsparameters, parametersmerit, meritvalues
Quality Control of Polyols
AN-NIR-035 Quality Control of Polyols Chemical-free determination of Hydroxyl Number according to ASTM D6342-12 Summary Toxic and corrosive chemicals such as p-toluenesulfonyl isocyanate (TSI) and tetrabutylammonium hydroxide are used for the Hydroxyl Number analysis of polyols by titration according to…
Klíčová slova
metrohm, metrohmxds, xdsrapidliquid, rapidliquidanalyzer, analyzernir, nirpolyols, polyolssimple, simpleper, pernirs, nirstransmission, transmissiontoluenesulfonyl, toluenesulfonylnumber, numbertsi, tsicosts, coststempered