Hyphenated techniques as modern detection systems in ion chromatography
Postery | | MetrohmInstrumentace
ZaměřeníVýrobceAgilent Technologies, Metrohm
Klíčová slovaicp, coupling, bromate, perchlorate, hyphenated, inductively, water, dimensional, drinking, ion, spectrometer, chromatography, detectors, mass, valence, unit, oxyhalides, plasma, acids, setups, techniques, collision, multi, historically, groundwater, coupled, pump, selenium, chromium, arsenic, process, unambiguous, carboxylic, cations, anions, hazardous, reliably, mode, modern, ionic, valuable, potentially, conductivity, detection, states, simultaneously, quantify, electrospray, successfully, increases
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Coupling of ion chromatography and inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry
2017|Agilent Technologies|Příručky
Metrohm White Paper Coupling of ion chromatography and inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry By Katinka Ruth and Markus Läubli Online hyphenation of ion chromatography (IC) to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP/ MS) is a powerful instrumental tool to handle some…
Klíčová slova
metrohm, metrohmpaper, paperwhite, whiteicp, icparsenic, arsenicspecies, speciesmercury, mercuryspeciated, speciatedspeciation, speciationchromium, chromiumselenium, seleniuminductively, inductivelyisotope, isotopethallium, thalliumbromate
Environmental ion chromatography
2022|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Příručky
Environmental ion chromatography Thermo Scientific application note compendium Environmental ion chromatography analysis Introduction Inorganic anions and cations Disinfection byproducts Toxic contaminants Introduction to environmental water analysis Ground and surface water Everyone is impacted by the quality of water and by…
Klíčová slova
drinking, drinkingwater, watercyanide, cyanideanions, anionsbromide, bromidemunicipal, municipalusing, usinginorganic, inorganicbromate, bromateperchlorate, perchlorateoxyhalides, oxyhalideswastewater, wastewaterdisinfection, disinfectioncations, cationsbyproducts
Speciation Applications Summary Ion Chromatography
2017|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Příručky
Speciation Applications Summary Ion Chromatography Elemental Species Separation and Detection Table of contents Introduction Speciation Analysis 3 Complete inorganic analysis Periodic Table of Total Inorganic Analysis 4 Arsenic IC-ICP-MS speciation analysis of As in apple juice using the Thermo Scientific…
Klíčová slova
icp, icpicap, icapspeciation, speciationarsenic, arsenicmercury, mercurylod, lodinorganic, inorganiciodide, iodiderice, ricespecies, speciescoupled, coupledversion, versionequivalent, equivalentthermo, thermoinductively
Mercury and arsenic speciation analysis by IC-ICP/MS
|Agilent Technologies|Postery
Mercury and arsenic speciation analysis by IC-ICP/MS Summary y and compounds were quantified in Tuna Fish Tissue Certified Reference Material (ERM-CE464) by external calibration and EPA 6800 protocol specifications, spiking the sample before the extraction with 199Hg2+ and CH3200Hg+ and…
Klíčová slova
mercury, mercurysidms, sidmsarsenic, arsenicspecies, speciesbath, bathsonication, sonicationmicrowave, microwaveicp, icptransformations, transformationsinorganic, inorganicspeciation, speciationhybdridization, hybdridizationtimehg, timehgfish, fishsum