Trace Detection of Erythrosine B in Sugar
Aplikace | 2020 | MetrohmInstrumentace
RAMAN Spektrometrie
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Klíčová slovametrohm, misa, erythrosine, kit, sers, sugar, test, ethanolic, scoop, field, raster, mira, averages, detection, pipettes, nanoparticle, ionenstrasse, nanoparticles, protecting, user, firmware, competitive, attachment, recommends, portable, nacl, overlaid, disposable, consumer, laser, creation, gold, ethanol, protocol, experiment, extracts, obtain, contains, platform, settings, library, vial, safety, perform, summary, reagents, demonstrate, ability, configuration, requires
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Trace Detection of Aspartame in Beverages
AN-RS-023 Trace Detection of Aspartame in Beverages Protecting consumer safety with Misa Summary Aspartame is an artificial sweetener touted as a diet-conscious alternative to sugar in beverage and food products. Some studies suggest that consumption of aspartame is correlated with…
Klíčová slova
aspartame, aspartamemetrohm, metrohmmisa, misacarbonated, carbonatedsers, serskit, kitcriticism, criticismgrocer, grocertouted, toutedbeverages, beveragesadvocates, advocateswater, waterscoop, scoopdetection, detectionfield
Trace Detection of Diphenylamine in Baby Food
AN-RS-026 Trace Detection of Diphenylamine in Baby Food Protecting consumer safety with Misa Summary Diphenylamine (DPA) is used as a dye fixative and antioxidant in industrial applications and as a produce preservative in agricultural operations. Despite its low toxicity to…
Klíčová slova
metrohm, metrohmmisa, misadpa, dpapureed, pureeddiphenylamine, diphenylaminepears, pearssers, sersvial, vialkit, kitattachment, attachmentfixative, fixativesiphoned, siphonedchloroform, chloroformtest, testuser
SERS Detection of Metanil Yellow in Turmeric
AN-RS-019 SERS Detection of Metanil Yellow in Turmeric Protecting consumer safety with Misa Summary Metanil yellow (MY) is an azo dye used in the manufacture of external-use products such as textiles; however, it is prohibited from use as a food…
Klíčová slova
metrohm, metrohmmisa, misametanil, metanilsers, sersyellow, yellowkit, kitsierra, sierradetection, detectionscoop, scoopfield, fieldneurological, neurologicalturmeric, turmericfacile, facileorgan, organraster
Trace Detection of Pyrimethanil in Wine
AN-RS-024 Trace Detection of Pyrimethanil in Wine Protecting consumer safety with Misa Summary Pyrimethanil is a broad-spectrum fungicide. As grapevines are susceptible to fungal pathogens, large-scale viticulture operations apply pyrimethanil as part of a mixed treatment. Although chemical analysis of…
Klíčová slova
metrohm, metrohmmisa, misapyrimethanil, pyrimethanilsers, serskit, kitwine, winetest, testscoop, scoopfield, fieldraster, rastermira, miraorgan, organcarcinogen, carcinogenaverages, averagesionenstrasse