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Fast Determination of Thermal Melt Temperature of Double-Stranded Nucleic Acids by UV-Vis Spectroscopy

Aplikace | 2022 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
UV–VIS Spektrofotometrie
Farmaceutická analýza
Agilent Technologies
Klíčová slova
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Best Practice for Nucleic Acid Thermal Stability Measurements Using the Cary 3500 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
White Paper Best Practice for Nucleic Acid Thermal Stability Measurements Using the Cary 3500 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Thermal melt (Tm) analysis using rapid, precise temperature-dependent UV-Vis absorbance measurements The Cary 3500 Peltier UV-Vis systems offer the ability to analyze the thermal…
Klíčová slova
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Agilent Cary 3500 UV-Vis spectrophotometer series
Agilent Cary 3500 UV-Vis spectrophotometer series
2023|Agilent Technologies|Brožury a specifikace
Multiply Your Experimental Possibilities Agilent Cary 3500 UV-Vis spectrophotometer series Modular Design That Suits Your Application Needs The Agilent Cary 3500 UV-Vis spectrophotometer series share a common UV-Vis engine, which produces monochromatic light that is measured by the various UVVis…
Klíčová slova
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Characterization of Protein Thermal Stability Using UV-Vis Spectroscopy
Application Note Biopharmaceuticals Characterization of Protein Thermal Stability Using UV-Vis Spectroscopy Benefits of the Agilent Cary 3500 UV‑Vis spectrophotometer with a Peltier temperature‑controlled multicell in protein therapeutic research Authors Carlos Santos Martin La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science (LIMS), La…
Klíčová slova
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End-To-End Spectroscopy-Based Workflow Solutions for Oligonucleotide Analysis
Oligo Workflow Resource Guide End-To-End Spectroscopy-Based Workflow Solutions for Oligonucleotide Analysis From research discovery to production QA/QC Synthetic oligonucleotides are widely used in research and genetic testing. This class of short nucleic acid polymers includes small interfering RNA, antisense oligonucleotides,…
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