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ASTM D8322: Elemental Analysis of Crude Oil and Residual Fuels using MP-AES

Aplikace | 2021 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
Průmysl a chemie
Agilent Technologies
Klíčová slova
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Analysis of Elements in Residual Fuels and Crude Oil by MP-AES
Application Brief Energy and Chemicals Analysis of Elements in Residual Fuels and Crude Oil by MP-AES Simple sample preparation and streamlined analysis as per ASTM method D8322 The first ASTM accredited standard method for MP-AES ASTM International develops and publishes…
Klíčová slova
crude, crudeoil, oilfuel, fuelaes, aeselements, elementsresidual, residualastm, astmparty, partyfuels, fuelsthird, thirdmultiple, multiplerecoveries, recoveriespublishes, publishessour, soursrms
Determination of Metals in Petroleum Fractions using MP-AES
Application Note Energy and Chemicals Determination of Metals in Petroleum Fractions using MP-AES Including a comparison of sample preparation methods Authors Laura Poirier1, Jenny Nelson2, Greg Gilleland2, Steve Wall2, Lidia Berhane1, and Francisco LopezLinares1 Chevron Energy Technology Company, USA 1…
Klíčová slova
aes, aeswad, wadpetroleum, petroleummetals, metalselements, elementsdilution, dilutiondigestion, digestionsamples, samplescrude, crudedetermination, determinationicp, icpconc, concoes, oescomparison, comparisonash
Measuring Elements in Residual Fuels and Crude Oil per Method ASTM D8322
Measuring Elements in Residual Fuels and Crude Oil per Method ASTM D8322 Using an Agilent 4210 MP-AES Using an Agilent 4210 MP‑AES for ASTM D8322: – provides extended elemental coverage compared to other single ASTM methods – eliminates the need…
Klíčová slova
residual, residualelemental, elementalaes, aesaas, aasfuels, fuelsastm, astmrequires, requiresmethod, methodoes, oescrude, crudepetroleum, petroleumsummit, summitflame, flameelements, elementsicp
ASTM D8351-22: Elemental Analysis of Biodiesel using MP-AES
Application Note Energy and Chemicals ASTM D8351-22: Elemental Analysis of Biodiesel using MP-AES Simple, accurate, and safe analysis of biodiesel samples using an Agilent 4210 MP-AES Authors Introduction Jenny Nelson and Neli Drvodelic, Agilent Technologies, Inc. The ASTM D8351-22 test…
Klíčová slova
biodiesel, biodieselaes, aesauto, automdl, mdlelement, elementelements, elementssolv, solvyttrium, yttriumpetroleum, petroleumatomic, atomiccorrection, correctionstandards, standardsagilent, agilentwavelength, wavelengthblends
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.