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Application Handbook Food, Beverages, Agriculture - Release 2

Příručky | 2012 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
GC, GCxGC, GC/MSD, GC/MS/MS, HeadSpace, Příprava vzorků, GC/SQ, GC/QQQ, HPLC, LC/TOF, LC/HRMS, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, LC/QQQ, SFC, 2D-LC, LC/SQ, LC/IT, UV–VIS Spektrofotometrie, ICP-OES, AAS, FTIR Spektroskopie
Potraviny a zemědělství
Klíčová slova
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Application Handbook Food, Beverages, Agriculture - Release 2
Application Handbook Food, Beverages, Agriculture Release 2 Food, Beverages and Agriculture Regarding food, water, beverages and agricultural cropland, the increasing world population is one of the biggest challenges of mankind. How can access be provided to sufficient and safe food…
Klíčová slova
news, newsanalysis, analysismeasurement, measurementfood, foodusing, usingsample, samplewithout, withoutwater, watermrm, mrmacid, acidwere, wereflowrate, flowratemethod, methoddrinking, drinkingsfe
Difference in Quantifiable Concentration Ranges of UV-Vis Spectrophotometer and Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
A615 Difference in Quantifiable Concentration Ranges of UV-Vis Spectrophotometer and Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Both the UV-Vis (ultraviolet-visible) spectrophotometer and the fluorescence spectrophotometer are used in quantitative evaluations. Quantitative analysis by the UV-Vis spectrophotometer measures absorbance, which is proportional to concentration, based…
Klíčová slova
fluorescence, fluorescencespectrophotometer, spectrophotometerwavelength, wavelengthintensity, intensityconcentration, concentrationrhodamine, rhodaminequantitation, quantitationpitch, pitchlower, lowervis, vislimit, limitlinearity, linearityreabsorption, reabsorptionlimits, limitsabsorbance
Analysis Solutions for Quality Control of Hydrogen
Analysis Solutions for Quality Control of Hydrogen
2023|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
C10G-E102 Analysis Solutions for Quality Control of Hydrogen The Coming Hydrogen Energy Society Fuel cells for domestic use and fuel cell vehicles (FCV) are gradually becoming more common. Fuel cells produce electricity from hydrogen and are indispensable when it comes…
Klíčová slova
hydrogen, hydrogenray, raymeasurement, measurementmicrofocus, microfocusultrasonic, ultrasoniccounts, countsgas, gascatalyst, catalystextract, extractflaw, flawfatigue, fatigueembrittlement, embrittlementbenefits, benefitschromatograph, chromatographcfrp
Food Safety Solutions - Application Data Book
Food Safety Solutions Application Data Book Foreword Excellence in Science Dear Valued Customers, Shimadzu believes in total customer satisfaction. Every Shimadzu instrument sold is backed up by our strong after-sales support team. Be it service support, or application support, we…
Klíčová slova
area, areamrm, mrmhch, hchesi, esimethyl, methylpumps, pumpsratio, ratiomode, modeparathion, parathiongas, gastemperature, temperaturename, namersd, rsdtest, testcompound
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.